13 part 2

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Katelyns pov

We arrive outside the club and I look out the window and take a deep breath. I look at lando and smile a little. I'll be okay. Lily and Oscar are the first ones to get out the car and then lando gets out holding the door for me. I smile up at him and get out the car.

"Thank you" I say and he smiles at me putting his hand on my lower back.

"You're welcome beautiful" he mumbles in my ear as he guides me to the front door of the bar/club. Smiling at the bouncers who are standing at the door. A few cameras clicking sounds around us and I sigh.

We walk inside. Looking around we spot a booth where the drivers are sitting and already drinking. We walk over and smile.

"Hey lads" lando says and nods "girls" he smile at the partners of a few of the divers.

I smile a little. Someone starts speaking and I look to follow the voice and which is owned by Carlos. "Ah lando, finally nice of you to join us." He smile and then looks at me and I just smile again feeling a little awkward. "¿Y quién es esta belleza que está a tu lado? No creo que nos hayamos conocido." He says in Spanish and I just smile understanding him from being one of the those kids who wanted to learn many other languages when I was younger.
(and who is this beauty standing next to you? i dont think we've met. )

Lando looks at him confused and I just chuckle "Hola, mi nombre es Katelyn. Es un placer conocerte." I say with a smile and lando is just looking at me shocked.
(Hey, my name is katelyn. Its a pleasure to meet you.)

"Ahh I see, well the pleasure is all mine. I'm sure you're going to fit right in." He says with a smile and nods.

"Thank you, I sure hope so" i say looking at him and nodding.

Lando smiles and takes a sit and pulls me a little to sit on his lap. I smile a little and look around the table.

"So lando, what is this then hm? Is this some new lover of yours because if not ..." George says with a little grin and winks at me.

I just chuckle a little and shake my head.

Lando clears his throat. "This is Katelyn and yes she is. So keep your eyes to yourself russle." Lando says. I just listen to the conversation.

"Wait hold up, our little lando finally has a girlfriend. Wow now that is a true surprise." The Aussie lad says with a laugh. I just chuckle.

"Hey Danny ric, I've had girlfriends in the past thank you very much and you know that's." Lando says with a pout and everyone around the table just laughs.

"So how did you both meet then?" A girl sat next to Pierre asks. "Oh I'm Francisca but you can call me kika. You're one of the girls now" she smile and smile then she starts speaking again. "And because it seems like your lovely fella doesn't seem to be introducing us all. I'll do it." She smile and I nod.

She goes round the table saying who is who and we say our little hellos and nice to meet you. These truly do feel like lovely people but wow I feel ugly next to them. They're all so gorgeous and well I'm just me. I feel lando squeeze my leg.

I turn and looks at him and smile. I turn and look back at kika. "Well I met this pain through mutual Friends you see. I joined his YouTube channel as you might know it's quadrant and things progressed from there. Lando couldn't keep his eyes to self but it was like the first day we officially met, like obviously I knew of him but I officially met him at a little beach party with a group of friends." I smile and everyone is just listening to me talk. "And as cliché as it sounds the second I shook his hand, it was like little lightning bolts shot through my body as if to say this is the one you know" I smile a little and the girls just Awh and the lads all smile.

Then lando Went on to explain who he asked me be his girlfriend and everyone just seemed so proud of him for whatever reason.

It's been a few hours and now most of us are drunk or at least half way there so I'm their merry stage. I'm up on the dance floor dancing with kika, Lily, Kelly, heidi, the other Lily and alix. We are laughing and dancing just feeling so free.

Max, Pierre and Charles come over to the dance floor and pull their girls to have a little dance with them. The drunken walk where actually pretty funny. The other lads are still sat at the table talking and laughing.

"I'll be back in a second" I say to Lily

"I'll come with you" she smile and nods.

We both walk over to the table and smile. Lily goes and sits next Oscar and smiles and leaning her head on his shoulder. They're so cute.

"Here's the lady of the hour" George says and I do a little curtsy while chuckling. Wow me and alcohol aren't it.

"Georgie russle, ah yes that's your nickname from me" I grin at him and he just smirks and chuckles.

I look down at Lando, who looking between me and George and his jaw clenched. I frown a little and sit down on his lap. I move around a little to get comfortable and I turn and look at him. "What's wrong baby?" I mumble on his ear.

He just looks at me and shrugs. "Nothing don't worry about it." I frown down at him and turn around to straddle his waist and puts my hands on his cheeks.

He look at me and put his hands on my waist. "you don't need to lie to me, remember we are doing that none communication thing or it won't work I promise you this now lan." I say looking dead serious.

"Nothing honestly baby, just russle and his comments you know? He making them all night." He says and smile a little.

"Ahh jealousy, I see." I smile then chuckle "well you don't need to worry baby, it all just a bit if banta okay. I promise you I'm not going anywhere. I want you and only you" I whisper in his ear.
A little while later, I check my phone and it says 3:00 am. Everyone is really drunk and in their own little world and conversations. Oh and me Obvs teasing lando a little bit.

"I think we should get out of here,." Lando mumbles in my ear as im in conversation with Lily. I move my hips a little.

I chuckle a little and reply back whay Lily had said. Then turn and look at lando. "Yeah okay. Let's go" I stand up.

"Are guys ready to head out? Me and Katelyn are heading back to the hotel." Lando asks the table and they all nod.

We walk walks outside getting in the car we had ordered to take us all back to the hotel. Paparazzi around taking picture of us all. I keep my head down and my hand in landos before getting into the car then lando shutting the door everyone being on.

Sitting next to him and leaning my head on his shoulder. He puts his hand in inner thing and caress it a little and I just smile.


We arrive back at the hotel room and lando opens the door and we walk on and I drop out of my dress and take my heels off. Lando shuts the door and grins at me looking me up and down.  I walk over to his bed and get under the cover and grin at him.

He just stares. "Are you just gonna stand there and stare or you actually coming to join me." I yawn and smirk at him.

He quickly gets undressed and comes and gets under the blanket pulling me closer to him . I wiggle around a little and I hear him grunt and grip my hip a little. "Katelyn, baby please sit still. I don't need no problems" he mumbles in my ear in leaves little kisses on my neck.

"Hmm I got an idea" I hum

"Not tonight, when we are both sober and will actually remember it. And I don't want out first time to be on drunk night." He mumbles and kisses my head softly.

I sigh "yeah you're right" I mumble and close my eyes moving closer to him and he's holds me closer.

"buona notte bambina" he whispers and it makes me smile he really is trying with certain words.

"Buonanotte amore mio" I say before darkness and dreamless sleep takes over me.

{Well I know this wasn't the best chapter but still I hope you enjoyed it. I'm really stuck on ideas I'd what to write so if you wanna help me out you can comment or just message me would be amazing!}

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