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Katelyn pov:

We had decided to head back home the day after landos p2 finish at Silverstone. He hasn't left my side once, I didn't understand it though because eventually we're going to start to annoy each other. Well I think we will and I didn't want that. I didn't want him to get bored of me. He was still fast asleep laying next to me and I couldn't help but smile.

We are back home, well my home. Erin, Max and a few others had gone to Greece  while we was away at the grand prix and are meant to be coming back in a couple of days. So free house and no hiding anything.

Nobody knew, not even our closest of closest friends knew we had become closed off and are officially together. I liked it this way for now though, the bit of sneaking around and what not just makes me feel that bit alive if that makes any sense. I sigh quietly and kisses his head gently before trying to get out of bed.

"Don't go, just 5 more minutes.. please baby" he mumbles still half sleep pulling me closer to him and nuzzling his head into the back of neck.

"Sì, lo so. Che cosa ti piace fare?" I mumble to myself but knowing he'd hear it and not have a clue. "But fine 5 more minutes"

"Baby, I love it when you speak Italian to me but seriously I don't know what you just said. It better have been you agreeing to it 5 more minutes" he mumbles back and holds me even tighter.

I roll my eyes. "I said you're a child, you know that right?" I sighs "but yeah 5 more minutes."

He chuckles and I turn around and put my hand in his hair. "Mmm I know, but I don't care" he says back, looking up at me and pecking my lips.

I close my eyes for a few seconds then open them and landos already scanning his eyes around my face. I look into his eyes and smile softy him returning it back to me.

"You're beautiful you know that right? I could look at you all day, evey day" he says softly and smiles.

I smile and chuckle "you're so cringy sometimes but thank you babe I'm glad you think so. Let's hope you ain't going to get bored of it" I chuckle and shake my head

He just looks at me like I'm stupid
"I won't don't you about that" he smile and I nod at him.

A while later, I sigh and pecks his lips before getting out of bed and walks to my bathroom. Shutting the door and turning Theo shower on before getting into it.

The warm water bouncing on my body and the warmth made me smile a little. I felt so calm and at one with myself including my mental and physical health. I just wasn't sure how long this would last for especially my mental health.

I wash my hair making sure it was all clean and fresh. Then making sure my body was clean and fresh doing what I needed to do. I just stand there now for a while letting all the body hit me.

About half an hour later, I get out of the shower walking over and grabbing the towel wrapping the towel around me body and brushing my teeth. You know the usual hygiene stuff.  Walking into the bedroom and see lando still laying in bed.

"Are you for real right lan?" I look at him and out my hand on my hip. He just looks at me and smirks. "What are you smirking about?" I raise a brow

"Oh nothing just your stood in front of me, in just a towel and well my mind is seriously going places" he smirks and bites his lip and feel my cheeks heat up and glare at him.

"Dio, per favore, dammi la forza di sopravvivere con il figlio maschio" I mumble and shake my head at him before Turing around to get dressed....
(God please give me strength to survie with manchild.)


We had decide to head into to town and get dinner and do a little bit of shopping while lan has his free day off. "Lan, aren't people going to find it weird that it's well just me and you?" I say looking at him.

"No? Why would they? We was at the Grand Prix together? To them we're just friends hanging out" he says placing a hand on my thigh.

"I know babe, but what about the news and articles going around about us?" I mumble and my knee starts bouncing.

"Hey baby, listen to me okay? They don't know whether it's true or fake and they don't need too not till you're ready okay? So let them get a quick pay check by writing stories ect, let believe what they want to because the only important people know and will know the truth okay?" He smiles a me and leans over kissing my head quickly.

I smile and just nod. We both get out the car and he walks round to me and starts walking next to me. "So Madame what would you like to first? Shop or food?" He ask me while looking down at me.

I look up and hum "I'm thinking we get food, shop and then go home then we make tea together and have a little movie night cuddled up on the couch while we've got a free house... what do you say?" I smile softly "we can also count it as our second date..." I say with a smile and shrug

We walk into a restaurant that was close by and smiles. He looks down at me before pulling a seat of for me to seat down. "I think that sounds like a good idea a really good idea actually and I'd love nothing more." He says sitting down opposite me.

We continue talking about the weekend and for what's to come for us in the future and just getting to know each other more.


We go on about day just having a good time and enjoying being in each it her presence. Honestly I couldn't ask for anything more and as much I told him no he not only paid for the food but was like let me spoil you. Seriously that man need to learn to take no for an answer.

He had been spotted a few times by fans asking for photos, signatures you know the usual but I didn't mind anyways. I loved the way he interacted with me and he looked so happy. I had gotten a few looks from a few girls but I just tried to brush them off like they aren't anything and just my imagination.

I see more fans jogging over to us. "Lan you've been spotted again more fans coming your way" I chuckle and nudge him and he looks down at me.

"I'm really sorry about this." He says and looks sincere about it but it didn't bother me honesty.

"Hey it's okay, honestly. You do what you gotta do alright, I'll just hang back here" I say with a smile and nod as the fans come asking for photos. I smile watching them and some of the girls looks at me and start mumbling to each other. I sigh but just smile anyways.

I hear on the girls ask lando a question. "Are the articles true? Are you really dating Katelyn? I mean I support it as long as she don't hurt you because then we will have a problem." She says while glancing over at me then back at lando.

Lando turns his head to look at me then look back at the girl. "At this moment in time that is nobody else business but mine and katelyns but thank you and sure if anything ever didn't happen she wouldn't hurt me anyways." He says. "A welord if advice though, You really  shouldn't listen to those articles and Instagram or Twitter account because half of the stuff they say/post isn't even true." He adds and smile before saying his good bye and motions to me that we're going.

I walk over to him and smile at the girls one last before I feel lando place a hand on my lower back and I look at him. "What are you doing?" I ask

"Give them something true to talk about and heard the girls mumbling about you and let's just say they're some jealous teenagers." He smiles down at me and opens the car door for me and I get inside them he shuts it.

I sigh and lean back in my chair and get in the divers side. I look at home and smile softly. We head home.


{another new chapter sorry it's taken forever for me to update, writers block just keeps getting worse but I'm trying I promise! I hope you enjoy!}

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