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Lando's pov

"Right I'm heading out! I'll see you at silverstone!" I shout up to Max who was still in bed.

"Alright mate. Stay safe and make sure you look after Katelyn. If you need anything let me know!" I hear max say

"Yeah yeah I will don't worry" I say one last time before going out and getting in the car. I had already put my stuff in earlier.

I start driving to Katelin's, I really don't know what is about this girl that pull me and makes me want to learn more and more about her. She's special and I can see it. I just wish she'd give me the chance to show her that whatever happened in her past I'm going to do the same. I'm not just going to up and leave.

This is my chance. This weekend is my chance to show her, really show her that I'm all for this. I want to be with here. Since the first day I physically met her there was just something there, a spark that I had never felt with anyone else.

I don't really believe in love at first sight but maybe just maybe she had changed my mind.


I pull outside her house and honk the horn before getting out, to help her out her bags in the car. She walks sending me a little wave and even in sweats she still look beautiful.

"Hey beautiful, you excited" I say with a smile while taking her bags to put in the car.

"Yeah I'm excited but also a little nervous, what if you fans think we're like together and then they start asking question or even sending me hate...." She's says and just look at her. I walk over to her and put a hand on her cheek.

"Would be so bad if we were together though? I'm really not that bad I promise you. Even if they do send you hate ect it's all just jealousy because your the girl I wanna be with and I'm not just saying this. I really do want this. I want you beautiful" I say as I look into her eyes.

She looks back in my eyes before looks down and sighing. "I just don't know if I can. Im scared Lan, I'm so scared" she mumbles

"I get that, but I'm going to show you there's nothing to be afraid off. Not with me, not ever just give me the chance" I say as and move closer to her and rub my thumb over her cheek.

She sighs and looks up at me and she nods. "Okay" is all she says and I feel a joy come over me. "We'll see how this weekend goes yeah?" She adds on and I just smile.

"Sounds perfect" I kiss her head and smile.

"Come on then pretty boy! Let's get this show in the road" she smiles and gets into the car and I do the same thing.


We're on our way to Silverstone and every now and then I would sneak little looks at her. She just looked calm and stunning as always.

"I can feel you looking at me" she says with a little chuckle, turning her head to look at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about? I haven't been looking at you at all" I say with a little smile.

"Yeah right, I can see you out of the corner of my eye you idiot" she chuckles shaking her head.

"Nope still no clue what you're on about mi amor" I say glancing at her before looking back at the road again.


We arrive at the hotel where we are staying at plus the other drivers like Charles, George, Oscar and so on. We both get out the car and grab our things and walk into the hotel. Paparazzi clearly snapping picture and I can see Katelyn keep her head down. I put my hand on the bottom of her back and guide her through. We check in and go up to our room.

"God I hate the paparazzi so much, like damn give us room then breath" she says and I just chuckle at her. "God knows what story they're gonna write" she adds and looks at me.

I just shrug "probably something along the lines 'Lando Norris spotted with fellow quadrant member Katelyn arriving at a hotel in time for the Silverstone weekend' " I say with a chuckle and looks at her and she just nods

"Oh well, we'll survive and I guess you're not bad anyways" she says and lays on the bed.

"Pfff please. You fancy me, the lie detector told not only me but everyone on YouTube who watches our channel" I say with a cheeky grin.

She sits up and looks at me. "Well, you like me too so it's fine. So screw what them lot all think" I shrugs and smiles.

I just chuckle and shake my head at her. "I'm going to shower and then turn in for an early night." I say and she just nods. I walks into the bathroom but I forgot my towel and walk in on Katelyn getting changed. My eyes scan up and down her body.

"Lando! Turn around! Stop staring!" She squeals and tries to cover her self.

I can't help but laugh "sorry I forgot my towel but damn you've got a nice body." I smirk thoughts coming to my head that I shouldn't even be thinking.

She throws the towel at me and I walk back into the bathroom. I hear her groan and mumble something. I do what I gotta do.

About an hour later I'm done and ready for bed. I walk back into the bedroom and I see she's already asleep and I just smile. She just looks at peace and still beautiful as ever. I walk over quietly and kiss her head softly and I swear I saw her smile.

I walk over to my bed and turn the lamp off and get into bed and close my eyes and just wait for sleep to take over my body.

{sorry it's taken so long to update I haven't been to well and just busy but more updates coming! Enjoy and don't forget to vote}

Yellow {lando Norris}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin