4. a pika outing

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After learning how to use his Pikachu body properly, Satoshi followed Twink through the house until they got to the kitchen.

"The pokémon food is there." Twinkle informed Satoshi, pointing up at a shelf.

"Pokémon food?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Yeah nah, I don't really... Y'know... Pokéfood..."

"You usually eat everythin'?. I mean, we could go out and get some berries instead then?"

Satoshi chirps affirmatively, running into the main room and through Rockruff's dog flap, Twink following.

"Hey, Sato, your cap is a little crooked now."

"Oh, okay, thanks bud!"

Both pikachu smile as one fixes his cap and the other waits.

"We could get berries then head towards the beach?"

"Yes! Ooh, maybe you could teach me some moves!"

"Maybe, if you want."

Twink leads as they trot through the woods, merrily on their way to the berry-filled spot that he remembered the location of, talking a little while walking. As soon as he saw a glimpse of berries, Satoshi ran at them, biting into the first one he saw, dangling on the bush. Twinkle could swear Sato would have snapped the branch in two if he wanted, it shook more than it should have witb a little Chu like that jumping at it.

"Just what am I going to do with you?"

The other pikachu just giggled, finishing off the berry and throwing one to his partner. Then he jumped up higher on the bush and ate another as Twink watched him, observing his every move to see if he was fine. When both had eaten enough to make them full, they walked again. This time, Satoshi linked his tail with Twink's, almost like holding hands.

When they reached the beach, they trained for a bit. Sato had practically no control over his electricity at first, just like a little Pichu, but got better quickly. After they used up most of their electricity for Sato's attempts to control it (Twinkle figured out his friend had the Lightning Rod ability fairly quickly and was giving him volts to practice with) they laid down together, forming a pika-ball, and had a little nap to recharge.

Twinkle woke up first, overhearing a conversation nearby.

"Hey, dat's the Twerp's Pikachu!"

"My my, a great catch for the boss!"

"Aren't we on break? I don't want to work..."

"Shut yer yap James! Twerp ain't gonna run while he's asleep, is 'e?"

It was Team Rocket. And they'd spotted Twinkle. From where they were, they probably couldn't tell there was another Pikachu there. Usually, Twinkle would've run or even Thunderbolted them, but he can't just leave Satoshi there. He would not even stray a step from his pika-friend. So he stayed put, even as the black box surrounded them.

It was a bumpy and dark ride. Satoshi woke up around halfway through it, and clung to Twink as he quietly explained what was going on. They seemed to reach their destination a little after that (Sato was hugging Twink the whole way), stopping as some sort of door closed, probably to the new Rocket base. What sounded like Jessie came up to the box and began to open it.

"Oh Pikachu, we've got..." She stared into the box as two pikachu stared back. "You.?"

"Jessie, what seems to be the matter?"

"What seems to be the matter?! James, we've caught two! The Twerp's Pikachu and some other small fry!"

Twinkle didn't like that. Not at all.

He hissed while using his body to cover little Sato from this danger.

"Oh, well. Hope the other's better than nothing," James states.

Twink growls. "Piikaa."

"Ahaha. Meowth, translations, please!"

"He's really pissed at you calling his friend small fry. Like really pissed."

"What do you mean pissed?"

Meowth had no time to reply to her query, as the Pikachu whacked everyone in Team Rocket away from the other Pikachu and into the wall with an iron tail.

"Ugh. What's yer deal ya Twerp? Tell me right now!"

So Twink did. Holding Satoshi tight, in a protective manner.

Meowth was gobsmacked.

"Yer joking, right?"

"Pi." The Pikachu shook his head.

"Pika... Kachu."

The protective Pikachu loosens his grip a little.

"Pika pichu! Chu pikachu!" The protected one adds.

"Pika, pikaa." He blushes a little.

Jessie twirls in her spot impatiently. "So, what's the deal?"

"The other Pikachu is the Twerp."

Jessie and James stand there, in more shock than they ever have been in.


"He says hi."

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