13. sweet bonding in the mornin'

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Twinkle woke up first, to a warmth he couldn't recognise. Sure, he'd felt some kind of warmth when snuggling up to Sato, but he always moves away. He goes all over the place while sleeping, and Twinkle usually can't deal with that, so he curled up close or sat on his chest. He can't do that now, though, not since Sato turned into a Pikachu. Twinkle likes it a lot, except for when they have to sleep. Rockruff already moves around quite a bit, so adding Sato into the Sleep Pile made it downright chaotic at night. Today, though, he moved a little less, and for some reason Rockruff stopped moving entirely. Maybe they tired themselves out.

Opening his eyes and yawning, Twinkle made a little noise, but certainly not enough to wake the Pikachu snuggling up to him. Wait. Sato was hugging him in his sleep? Twinkle really could not disguise how happy he was from that.

Yes, he likes Sato either way, but friendship between a Pokémon and its trainer is kind of limited, and for some reason, scrutinised. Some wild Pokémon told Twinkle to run while he could (couldn't they see he was happy?) and some humans told Sato that he shouldn't bother making friends with such a weak, unevolved Pokémon (they got Thunderbolted in the face). It was harder to communicate as well with Sato having to guess what Twinkle meant, but this problem had been solved a few days ago.

Twinkle doesn't want to seem selfish, but he likes this Sato way more. If he was going to be honest, he still holds a grudge against humans. The only one he really believes(d?) with all his heart is (was?) the one that was meant to be his trainer, but turned out to be his best friend. Maybe his mom too.

He still hates some humans, a lot of them. Especially that last evil one from Kalos. Twinkle wants that human to come back so that he can pay for his actions. Ideally getting electrocuted to death several thousand times, Twinkle would be happy to kill him. There's also the one who tried to take Riolu, and the one that pretended to be friends with his human to ultimately betray them and leave him open to that Lysandre asshole.

The one who threw that first Pokéball is fine. Good, actually, because that's how Twinkle ended up being Sato's Pokémon. Knowing him, though, they'd find a way to be together anyway. Arceus, Twinkle really regrets acting the way he did in the beginning, but what happened happened (Sato was a bit dumb then too though, and even he, dense as he is, admits it).

Twinkle lay awake for a while thinking, at least until Sato awoke. The warmth then went away for a few seconds, Sato having gone to stretch his little legs, then coming back to poke Twinkle up.

"Hey, buddy, come onnnnn!!!" He whines, impatiently.

"Okay, Okay." Twinkle stands up and goes to look at Sato, before realising he's really scruffy. Too scruffy.

"Jeez, Sato, your fur's all messed up."

"Is it?"


Twinkle sighed deeply. "I'll sort it out."

"Huh?" Ash questions. "How ya gonna do that?"

"Come on."

The little Pikachu didn't come, but he was dragged instead. His fault for whining about not needing to get his scruffy mess of a coat sorted. Twinkle got a brush out, forcing Sato to sit still with a good old threat. The scruffy Pikachu retaliated his brushing at first, but after a few mere seconds was purring at the sensation.

"Told you it was nice." Twinkle smiled, stopping momentarily to tickle Sato's chin.

"Mm.. d'ya wanna be brushed after?"

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