5. double pika trouble.

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The two pikachus stayed at the base for a while. Nobody admitted it, but at some point of the journeys around regions and stalking through those regions, the 'Twerps' and the 'Rockets' had become frenemies and capturing Pikachu (Twink) was more of a joke than an actual goal of theirs.

For a while, the chu's talked to Meowth, and then Meowth had to explain the whole thing back to the two humans there.

"Man, i dunno what to start with. Those two were yapping like there's no tomorrow!"

"Chu!!!!" The scruffy one complains.

"Oh shut your gob you little... You little chu!"

Twinkle finds this a great opportunity to slap the Kantonese meowth.

"Dammit.. Anyway, if you couldn't tell already, the scruffy one with the cap is Satoshi and the one protecting him is his Pikachu, even though his name is supposedly Twinkle."

"Chuuu. Pikachu! Pi!"

"Quit yapping! The twerp likes it so why don't you!"

"Pi.." Twink looks down, and immediately pops back up when Satoshi pats him gently. "It's a pretty name," He states, with a grin. "It suits you."

Twinkle grabs him into a hug while Team Rocket watches them.

"Twinkle? What's it from, the stars?" Jessie scoffs.

"Did the twerp name him? He's dense enough to like that name.." James adds.

And what they didn't expect was for Satoshi to use a move on them. They didn't even know he could. Just like Twink had done to them before, the two were Iron Tailed into the wall.

"Man, you two are way too protective of each other." The two chus responded to that statement by glaring at the Kanto meowth.

"Okay, fine, Twerps, I'll keep it short."

Twink grinned.

"Satoshi just turned into a Pikachu randomly."

The two Pikachus nod.

"Wait, so it isn't like, an act?" Jessie inquires.

"Chu!! Pika chu!"

"Satochu says that he was sick, then woke up like that."

"Oh my," James questions, "How'd it happen?"

'Satochu' shrugs.


Twink grabs Satoshi's paw and then whispers into his ear a little bit.

After a little nodding from both of them, their cheeks spark together and they let out a thunderbolt in unison, giggling and running away from the Rocket base.

"Hey! Ya Twerps! Whered'ya think you're going?!"

"Pika!!" The scruffy, cap-wearing Pikachu turns around and sticks its tongue out.

"Dammit! they got away!!"

And get away they did.

And oh, did they cause some Pika trouble in their secret base. That thunderbolt had short-circuited most of the appliances there, and Meowth had to go through and fix all of them along with James, cursing at the two Pikachu.

Those darn Pikachu.

He'll get payback one day.

And he knows how.

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