6. kukui-hakase's in trouble...

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Sato and Twink returned home, through the doggy flap. Satoshi noticed the note Kukui left (finally) and noted that he would be back at around 5. Looking up at the clock, Twink then told him it was 3:30.

The two Pikachu didn't know what to do, so they just hung around, doing random things, but mostly nothing at all.

Then, They heard it. The sound of keys turning in a lock.

Twink panicked while Sato simply stood there.

Kukui could hear a Pikachu squeal, and he unlocked the door to an empty main room.

"Ash? Did you wake up?"

No response.

Kukui sceptically climbed up the ladder to the loft. Nobody there. Weird.


"There was another Pikachu squeal. He definitely did not imagine that.

Kukui gripped Ash's pokeballs, then let out Rockruff.


"Hey Rockruff? Could you help find Ash?" Kukui pleaded.

The puppy nods.

It sniffles around a minute before pulling Ash's Pikachu from under the sofa.

"Pikaa.." It chirps, almost like saying it was caught.

Rockruff doesn't stop there though. Kukui watches as it grabs and pulls out a tail.

A Pikachu tail.

Then a whole other pikachu.

"Piii.." It groans, like it didn't want to get caught.

Then it giggles as Rockruff rubs it's collar on it.

A giggle a little like Ash's..

"Pika!! Pi pikachu!" It complains.

Rockruff stops rubbing but still wags its tail happily. Ash's Pikachu then goes in and grabs the unknown Pikachu before attempting to run off with it.

Kukui quickly grabs it though.


He stares at the pokémon intently.

No curves on the tail. It's a boy.

Far more scruffy than an average Pikachu.

Chocolate eyes, with a childish shine to them.

Cheeks with little lightning bolt marks on them.

And, to boot, Ash's cap was on the 'mon's head.

"Hey, little guy."

The Pikachu grins up at him.

"Hmm... This may sound stupid, but are you perhaps Ash?"

It looks taken aback, offended, even. Then, as quickly as it got 'angry' it grins again, nods, then jumps out of Kukui's arms and back to the other Pikachu, and they link tails.

Kukui freezes. He originally said that as a little joke, maybe he would tell Ash later about the Pikachu that looked a bit like him. But no. It was Ash. In all his little Pika beauty.

A little ironic, in fact, since a few days ago at school one of his other students, Mallow, pointed out that he kinda acts like a Pikachu sometimes.

Kukui laughs.

"What am I going to do with you?"


'Ashchu' grins, and his(?) Pikachu slaps him playfully.



"Chaa! Pi pikachu."


They nod to one another, then jump up in unison onto Kukui's shoulders, one Pikachu on each side.

He pets both of them, and they react the same way, pushing into the hand petting them lightly then lifting their heads for scratches.

"Yknow Ash, you seem very laid back about this."

The Pikachu lets out a little chirp.

"I don't really understand you, you see..."


"All you say is just 'Pikachu' to me..."

The Pikachu on Kukui's left sinks down in disappointment and the one on the right grins like it predicted this.

"Hey, do you guys think you can type on my laptop?"

The scruffy Pikachu perks back up and starts wagging it's tail. Kukui didn't know Pikachu could do that.

"I'm assuming that's a yes?"


"I'm just dreading the trouble I'll be in when your mother finds out about you being a Pikachu. Actually, absolutely everyone else."

"Chu?" It tilts its head in confusion.

Kukui puts his arms out to the sofa, signalling for both of the Pikachu to walk down. They do, and he walks off for a moment to get a laptop. When he comes back, he sees Ashachu and Pikachu holding paws and talking.

He sits on the loft's sofa beside them and puts the laptop in front of the Pikachu he previously talked to.

He goes onto a word document and then lets it type away.

Hi Kukui-hakase



I went out with Twinkle earlier :)

"Who's Twinkle?"

Ash-Chu points at the Pikachu beside him.

"Wait, he has a name?"

Yeah but he doesn't like it

Kukui patiently waits every time the Pikachu goes in to type.

"So why are you typing about it?"

It scoffs in annoyance.

Since we are both Pikachu it will be confusing to say

"Fair point, Ash."

You could call me Sato-chu or Ash-chu and call my buddy Twink so it will be easier to tell

"Okay, but how'd you become a Pikachu in the first place?"



Kukui was expecting... something more.

"Well, are you bothered by it at all?"

Ashchu shakes his head then tackles Twink into a hug.

A Pika-ball falls off the sofa and rolls around the loft.

Kukui closes the laptop lid, it didn't look like there'd be typing anytime soon.
"Hey, you hungry?"

The ball stops and two hyper electric-types dance around, nodding while running in a circle.

"Alright, let's go get some food."

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