17. gettin' the kalos gang back together!

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Monday evening took a long time to roll around for Clemont and Bonnie. Clemont rushed to sort everything in the gym out for his week-long leave, glad that Diantha agreed to his sudden plea for seven days off. Bonnie packed as soon as she could on Saturday and found herself excited to see Alola. She's heard from some other people that it's relaxing, with cute new Pokémon species (Like that snow white Vulpix she saw in Lumiose Airport for a moment before Serena went to Hoenn!) and beaches everywhere. When travelling with her brother, Serena and Ash, she'd had great fun in Shalour with all their beaches. She was looking forward to the warm sun she'd heard about, and most of all was excited to see Ash! It had been around half a year since she'd last seen him, and short semi-monthly calls as well as a bit of texting were definitely not something you'd call the Ash Experience. Bonnie really had to admit, his texting was quite dry and you'd never be able to tell it was Ash behind the screen if not for the picture of him, Pikachu and a Butterfree set as his profile. And he gave her a very warm hug before leaving. She likes hugs a lot. The one Ash gave her was gentle and soft (a contrast to everything else about him) and it held more depth than any of Clemont's had. Not in a bad way, Clemont's hugs were cold and smooth. Still great, but the warm ones from Ash have a sort of quality to them, like he is pushing the warmth into you.

Greninja was feeling slightly anxious. Yes, he was absolutely ready to see Ash again, but the bond really did feel off. Over the week, it had gotten more solid, but less connected. Greninja could feel auras, and he could feel Ash's somehow vast pool located somewhere in Alola where he was standing. Like there was some left over everywhere to keep an eye on things. It was creepy, but he could deal with it. He was going to see Ash soon, Mew-damn it!

He was ready to see him again, and even though he would have to go back to fighting the vines after a week, he could update Ash about the situation through the bond when they figure out what happened to it!

When everyone finally waited out the days until Monday, they entered the airport as soon as they could. (Clemont had finished building something, and decided that if he started making anything else, then he'd focus on it too hard and forget about the flight).

Clemont was stopped during security and nervously took out his league card, as well as a written permission note from Diantha to say that he was safe. He said that he came early so they could check his suitcase as much as they wanted before the flight (everyone actually came early because they just wanted to be in Alola already, waiting was painful) and Clemont let them take his suitcase away and in the plane's cargo. Bonnie's suitcase was checked and because she accidentally put her phone in there it was opened, but she was given a full clear soon after. Greninja was just guided through the metal detector, and having nothing on him, was allowed through. Clemont had to explain that Greninja's Pokéball was elsewhere, and show the staff that they already had a seat reserved for him. Aside from that, getting into the main hub of the airport was smooth sailing (somehow they all had priority seats) and everyone found a spot to sit. Clemont took out his chargers and made sure to charge everything aside from Bonnie's phone (She was running around looking for gifts for Ash and Pikachu and whatever friends they have made) and began downloading some shows for him and Bonnie to watch, even though Swirlix Air is known for having TV's on the back of their seats. He'd rather not watch any documentaries of the Crisis (for some reason those were popular) and even though he probably would end up watching the Combee Movie three times in a row during the 19 hour flight, he at least wanted to be entertained for the first few hours. He ended up downloading Peppa Tepig as a joke, as well as some Kantonian shows like Toilet-Bound-Gastly-Kun, Lavender Ghoul and Dragonite Ball Z. They were getting quite popular in Kalos, actually, especially since Diantha talked about being a voice actor for the Kalosian dub of a show at an interview. Bonnie enjoyed some of them too, when she watched a few episodes of the more family friendly shows like Cardcaptor Cheri. He was happy to download that for her too, because she would be bored out of her mind.

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