Chapter 1

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My day started great, I made it to school on time, I'm having a great hair day, and my little sister didn't need a ride to school. My day could not have started better.

Before the bell for first period rang I spent some time with Drew, my best friend. He's the absolute coolest. The whole school loves him. He's the quarterback of the football team which is pretty much the highest honor there is in an American high school. I'm on the football team too, but I'm a wide receiver, so not as cool.

My first period is pretty boring, it's English with Mrs. Booker. She's a standard teacher, not super harsh but more strict than lots of other teachers. She's liked and disliked depending on who you talk to. Personally, she's not my favorite, although you have to admit she has a pretty fitting name.

We're currently reading Cyrano de Bergerac. Mrs. Booker makes us all pick roles and if we don't have to act to our fullest ability she gives us a bad grade. It's really embarrassing.

Second period is pre-calc with Mr. Carver. He's a pretty cool guy, he's the main basketball coach so he does a lot of partner work mixing us football kids with his basketball kids. We don't get along well. The coaches are always trying to make us get along, but this is a decade-long rivalry, it's never just gonna stop. And the basketball guys are assholes, there's a reason the school likes us more.

Every football guy has their rival basketball guy, mine is Carson, Drew's is Davis, Isaac's is Henry, it's just how things work around here. I don't make the rules. It's not like we're constantly getting into fistfights with them, they're just intolerable and make us want to fight them. Very few of us actually fight, and those kids get in pretty good trouble. If any of the coaches find out someone got into a fight, they get suspended from school for a week and are benched for at least two games, depending on the severity, so most of us starters refuse to fight. I've come close though.

I have History with Shane third period. Shane is cool, everyone loves him. He's really chill about work and has a pretty easy class. He actually has fun assignments and he actually cares about us. He's like the chill, young, gen z teacher that has food for you and understands his students and what we need. He's easily my favorite teacher.

During fourth period I have gym with Coach Glass. He's really hard on football players since he coaches us and goes easier on the other kids. He also tries to get football players and basketball players to get along to no avail.

Fifth period is finally lunch. Lunch is great. After my shower, I head straight to the lunch line and get whatever crap they're serving. Seems like pizza today. I get a slice and some fruit (thanks Obama) and head to my lunch table, taking a seat right next to Drew, who always beats me somehow, despite having the same fourth hour. "Ethan!" Drew dabs me up as I sit down. The rest of the table is already engrossed in their own conversations and don't realize me sit down.

"Drewww. Missed you, man." He grins at me.

"Dude, it's been like 5 minutes, how can you miss me already?" I shrug and take a bite of my pizza. "Did you hear the news about Tiff and Mr. Taylor? Apparently, Mr. Taylor's wife stopped by after school to drop something off for Mr. Taylor and caught them hooking up in his office. The school board called an emergency meeting to decide what to do, but I think we're getting a new principal sometime soon."

"No fucking way, dude. How does this keep happening? We have some creepy-ass teachers at this school if this is the fourth teacher-student scandal since we started here." I take another bite of my pizza, almost finishing it.

"Or just really slutty girls." Isaac chimes in from across the table, receiving a chuckle from a couple of guys at the table. Personally, I think it's a little much to slut shame them but I don't say anything.

"Yeah, dude. If I had known we were allowed to do that I would've taken my chance with that hot history teacher from freshman year." Bobby chips in, again, earning a few slaps on the back and a laugh from some of the guys.

"She still teaches here. I'm sure if you flirt with her for a bit she'll fall right into your grasp. Hot people like her are almost always an easy fuck." I roll my eyes at their assholery and take the last bite of my pizza. Standing to go put my tray away, Drew follows closely behind me.

"I can't stand those guys sometimes man. But they're fun at parties which helps make up for it."

"Drew, you have a party problem. You are obsessed. And I'm not totally sure it makes up for it, but sure." I sigh as I give my tray to the lunch lady and mumble a thank you.

"It's totally normal to like having fun. And at least they're not raging homophobes or racists or something. I feel like that's worse." I shrug as we walk to the library, as our normal routine when the guys are acting up.

"I don't know man. I think it's just more accepted. But this is a downer conversation. Let's talk about something else." The hallways are pretty empty, save for a few people going to the bathroom or getting water or whatever.

"Yes, like my next party." He grins as I groan. It's always parties with this kid. Party this, party that, throw in his last hookup, and you get a typical conversation between me and Drew. "I'm thinking this weekend. My parents already said it's all good and they'll be out of the house for it. So I think it'll work out."

"How are your parents this okay with your party addiction? They have to know how much alcohol you drink and people you fuck. I swear you're gonna have to start fucking guys with the number of girls you've gone through already." I plop my stuff on the ground and take a seat at the table we always sit at. It's in a little glass study room so people don't eavesdrop on our conversations. We tend to talk about some pretty nasty or private things so this seemed easiest.

"They're chill. I think they know that if it's not at our house it'll be someone else's so they can at least monitor what goes on a little bit, despite never being home for it. And I already have fucked some guys, it wasn't my thing." A horrifying image of Drew having sex with some dude started to play in my mind, causing a sour look to appear on my face. "They do give better blowjobs though."

That is where he crossed a line. "Ew, dude. Gross. Too many details." He smiled triumphantly as the bell rang. We both separated after a few and I got to my final class of the day, chemistry.

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