Chapter 13

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I wake up on my stomach, my arm flung out to the side. It takes me a minute to realize that Henry is still right next to me, scrolling through something on his phone. "Morning, Sunshine." I groan in response.

"It's too early for this. Can you get me some water?" I shove my head further into the pillow I'm using, not wanting to be awake yet. That walk last night was a horrible idea.

"Sure, of course." He gets up and leaves the room as I adjust to the morning and being awake. He comes back moments later with a glass of water in his hand and he hands it to me.

"Thanks," I say, sitting up so my back is against the headboard. I stare ahead blankly while sipping my water, Henry comes and sits next to me on the bed. He's probably gonna want to talk about why I'm in his bed. He talks too much. I'm not a fan of it. "What time is it? My phone is all the way over there."

"A little before 8. We still have like an hour left to get breakfast so whenever you're ready we can go. Most people are probably already there though." He's back to scrolling on his phone. Now I can see he's on Instagram.

"Okay, give me a second and we can go." I take one last sip of my water and set it on the nightstand, getting out of bed to check my phone. There are a couple of new notifications from random apps, one of a new follower on Instagram. I click on it to see the profile. My stomach flutters when I read Henry's name on the top, immediately following him back. I go on Snapchat next, opening a new message from Drew asking where I am. I respond saying I just woke up and that we'll be there in a few.

I glance in the mirror once to tame my hair a little before telling Drew we can go. As predicted, on the walk there he asks if I want to talk about last night, although I'm not sure it could be considered last night since it was 3 when it happened. "Damn it. I knew you were sleep-talking," I mutter under my breath.

"What do you mean?" He asks from beside me.

How do I make myself seem like less of a creep, you may ask? Lie, that's how. "I woke up to get water around 3 last night and went to make sure I hadn't woken you up when I came back in. You looked asleep so I went to go back to my bed but you grabbed my wrist and told me you were cold and asked me to lay with you, essentially." He looks confused, which is okay. I will take confusion.

"I don't remember that at all," He says slowly. The dining hall is getting close so we need to start wrapping this conversation up.

"Yeah I kinda thought you were sleep-talking but I wasn't sure since we were kind of having a conversation. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable, though. I won't do it again, even if you sleep-ask." Conversations like this normally make me so much more worried but right now I feel totally carefree. Lying is great, no embarrassing emotions need to be shared and I can blame everything on someone else.

"No, you didn't make me uncomfortable. If anything you did the opposite. It's just weird because I'm not usually one to sleep talk. At least not that I know of." I blush at his second comment, about making him comfortable. If I'm being honest, I was quite comfortable too. And that was definitely the best night of sleep I've had since we got here, so.

"Huh. Weird." When we walk into the dining hall I grab a donut and some fruit and find Drew, Henry grabs a full meal and tells me he'll catch up. "Morning."

I shove a piece of cantaloupe into my mouth while Drew bitches about me being late. "Why are you so late? Our schedule hasn't changed since yesterday."

I shrug, still chewing and not wanting to give him too much information. "I overslept." I take a bite of my donut. It's got chocolate icing and pink sprinkles on top. I think it's fun.

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