Chapter 12

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My eyes slowly drift awake to see the dark room. I grab my phone off the nightstand to my right and check the time: 1:34 am.

The dream I just woke up from was weird. It was like we were playing the game of life as the pegs. I was driving around in my green car, spinning a wheel to determine my future, how many kids I'll have, and whether I get married. I draw cards to determine my future, I ended up as a doctor, with a husband (who was definitely not Henry), and a baby girl and boy. I didn't finish first, but that's okay. I seemed happy, which is all I've ever really wanted.

I stop thinking about my dream to realize how thirsty I've become, so I slowly stand up and walk toward the door, trying to avoid any creaking so Henry doesn't wake. I open the door slowly and wander into the kitchen to grab a cup. I open the fridge door to reveal some bottles of alcohol and a pitcher of water, which I take out and pour into my cup. I finish the first glass in a couple of chugs and follow it up with two more before setting the cup in the sink. I top off the filter with a little more water and set it right back into the fridge.

I turn around to lean against the counter, thinking about Henry and what happened yesterday. We keep having the same weird moments that we did before, we're both just more aware of it. I mean we've probably almost kissed, like, four times already and we've only known each other for the weekend.

My brain has been running in circles since Saturday, since my talk with Drew. I don't understand why things are happening so quickly, or why I can't seem to stop it.

I walk over to the front door, where we've been keeping our shoes since we arrived. I slide mine on and quietly open the door to head outside. A walk seems like the best way to clear my head right now. I walk in the opposite direction of the dining hall, away from most of the camp and toward the woods. We haven't done anything over here yet so I think it'll be cool to explore it.

I wander for maybe 10 minutes when I find a small clearing in the woods with a few benches and a dusty hammock. I head toward one of the benches and sit down.

I think about my little sister and how I'm going to tell my parents.

Am I actually gay or am I just bisexual? I've met so many pretty girls.

What if I'm straight and this whole weekend has just been a fluke?

I think I was in love with Harry Styles for a couple of years when he was blonde.

Drew was so sweet on Saturday, I'm lucky to have him.

But the thing I think about most is Henry. His pretty eyes, how good his ass looked in those jeans he wore today, how soft his hair was. Am I actually ready to date him though? I mean sure I may be crushing on him, like, hardcore, but does that mean I want a relationship with him? Would it be a horrible idea to start dating someone I've known for less than a week? Is it horrible that I might want to?

Eventually, I realize I should get at least some sleep tonight, so I get up to start the walk back. I think I need to talk to Summer or Eden about everything. Maybe they can fix the knot that's in my head right now because, as much as I've tried, I don't think I can.

The walk back is peaceful, everything is peaceful this late. I don't know if that little adventure did anything to calm the storm in my brain but it felt good and I think that's okay. I think it'll take me a while to figure out if a relationship is something I want when I've just realized that I might be gay, but I want to let myself take that time. Maybe, if Henry asks again, I'll be ready to say yes, but maybe I won't.

The cabin is just as quiet when I arrive back about 10 minutes after I started back. I try to keep quiet, assuming everyone is still asleep. The clock on the microwave says 3:11, so I was gone for about an hour, maybe a little longer. I take my shoes off and set them against the wall, right next to Henry's, and walk back into our room.

I pause in the doorway, looking over at Henry. He's adorable when he's sleeping. I walk toward him and crouch to get a better look at his face. He has really long eyelashes and they rest on the very top of his cheek. His hair is messier than usual, scattered around his pillow and forehead, I brush some out of his eyes without thinking. Goddamn, he's pretty. He got so lucky with his bone structure, his jawline could cut steel, and so could his cheekbones.

My eyes travel to the side to reveal his lips. He has incredibly kissable lips. They look soft and full, and they're the perfect shade of pink. I lick my lips, almost instinctively, and feel how chapped they've gotten. Remind me to use chapstick in the morning.

Henry stirs ever so slightly, causing me to realize how creepy this would look if he woke up right now. I stand up slowly, to not wake him, and turn to get back in my bed when a hand grabs my wrist. I turn around, confused, and look down at Henry, whose eyes remain shut. "Stay."

This takes me by surprise. What does he mean by that exactly? "What? Are you awake, Henry?" I keep my voice at a whisper, I still don't want to wake him up if he's just sleep talking.

"Lay with me," He mutters softly, before quickly adding, "I'm cold." I only get more confused. Does he want to me cuddle him? And I still can't tell if he's actually awake or not. But a soft "please" from him is all I need to be convinced and I shuffle to the other side and lay beside him. I've never done this before, but I've seen in movies that you just wrap your arms around them, so that's what I did. It seems like the right thing because he instantly settles back into me, pressing his back to my chest.

I'm stiff at first, not totally comfortable in this new situation, but the longer I lay there the more I realize how comfy and warm it is, and I start to relax into him. It isn't long before I'm fast asleep, dreaming of unicorns and rainbows.


i'm thinking of making a new cover and possibly changing the title to rivalry camp. what are your thoughts? which do you like more and do you think you'd be more attracted to reading this book if the cover was different? 

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