Chapter 11

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The meeting with the coaches went pretty smoothly, they said they think we're learning to tolerate each other and that if we keep it up, we might get a prize at the end. It made me feel a little like a 2nd grader but I will take whatever prize they hand us.

Honestly, I'm also a little surprised no one has gotten into fights with their roommates yet. I think we're making progress too.

Most of the day went by without incident too. We did another random activity, swam for a bit, ate lunch and dinner, and finally got to go back to our cabins for the night. We invite Drew and Tyler to come to our room since Tyler and Henry are pretty good friends and me and Drew, obviously.

"So, what should we do?" I look at all three of them, waiting for an answer.

Drew is the first to respond, and my excitement at his response quickly vanishes as he talks. "We could talk about manly football stuff?"

Henry has a grin almost instantly, Drew matches him after a second of trying to seem serious. I can feel my face turn red, I'm probably the color of a lobster right now. "Oh!" Henry looks to Drew, ready to continue the joke. "Like the kind with lots of testosterone?"

They're both staring at me now, the shit-eating grins covering both their faces. Like weird horror movie twins or something. Unfortunately, I'm almost certain my face grows impossibly darker as I stare at the ground. I'm sure Tyler is horrendously confused right now as I sit in my own humiliation. "I hate both of you," I mutter sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with everyone in that room. "I'm going to the bathroom." I stand and leave the room, letting them enjoy themselves for a bit.

My restroom escapade consists of sitting on the toilet, rubbing my face hoping everything that happened today will go away, rinsing my face, flushing the toilet so it seems like I went to the bathroom like a normal person, washing my face once more to scrub the embarrassment off, and a quick full body shake test to get everything out.

Before going back into the room, I make one last detour to call my little sister. "Summer?" I ask when she picks up, to make sure she can hear me.

"Ethan! How's camp? I miss you." She's the best, I love her so much it's unreasonable.

"It's been interesting. I have lots to catch you up on." I sit on the wooden stair leading up to the porch. "So I kind of think I might be gay. And I'm in a bit of a situationship with my roommate. And he's hot. But besides that, it's been pretty normal."

She's silent for a moment before a loud "WHAT?" comes from her end.

"Shut up. Don't wake anyone up. And don't tell anyone, I'm not even totally sure I know what's going on with me right now."

"No I would never tell anyone, but Mom and Dad won't care. You know that right?" I smile I don't know how I got put into such a good family, but I'm so grateful.

"Yeah, I do. I'm just trying to figure some of my own stuff out first. I'll tell them soon though." She laughs, it's quiet and genuine.

"I always had an inkling you were gay. Mom said you were just a late bloomer but it was always a little fishy."

I roll my eyes. "You are a menace."

"But you love me." I grin to myself because, of course, I do. She's the sweetest, funniest menace I could've asked for as a sister.

"You know I do. But I gotta go. They're waiting for me inside, I said I was going to the bathroom. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

"Okay." She pauses, taking a short breath. "Love you."

"Love you, too, Bug," I say, using the nickname we gave her when she was a kid. She used to be so fascinated with bugs, it was adorable and terrifying at the same time. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Tin." Another nickname, this one is for me though. Summer could never pronounce my name when she was little, so she would always call me Etin. The Tin part stuck. "And I want pictures of this hot mystery man you talk about."

"Of course, Bug, anything for you." I hang up the phone before she can respond. Not a chance in hell I'm doing that.

I get up from my step and walk back into the house and to our room. "Do you have explosive diarrhea or something?" Henry asks first as I walk in. "Because that might mean a trip to the couch tonight."

"No, asshole. I was talking to Summer." I take my seat between Henry and Drew. They currently have The Game of Life out and ready to play.

"Oh, how was she? I haven't seen her in ages." Drew asks, picking a blue car and a blue character to go inside.

"She was good. She's being a rat as always. I haven't been talking to her as much as I should've while we've been here." I grab the green car before anyone else can. I pick up the red car as well and hand it to Henry, remembering one of the first conversations we had about our favorite colors. He smiles at me and I smile back, we stay like that for a couple of seconds before Drew pulls me out of whatever daze I'm in but grabs my shoulder.

"Let her know I say 'hi' next time you guys talk. You know she's always been my favorite Hill." I flip him off and turn to the game board.

"Is this the lesbian little sister?" I hear Henry say from my right. I need to stop saying embarrassing shit around him.

"Yup. That's the one. Isn't it, Tin?" I nod and occupy my hands with setting the game up, trying to hide the obvious blush on my face.

"Okay, so who is going first?"


my life is currently falling apart, all my friends hate me, and i should probably check myself into a mental hospital but this seems like more fun.

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