Chapter 14

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"Ethan, guess what?" I look at Drew, having no clue what the next sentence to come out of his mouth will be. "I'm throwing a party tonight! All my roommates are excited about it. Well, except Tyler, but he said it's okay."

"Oh," I respond, somewhat shocked. "That's... exciting." Uncertainty fills my voice against my better judgment.

"I haven't figured out all the little details yet, but don't worry, it'll come." He nods his head excitedly about his newfound plan.

"Okay. I am not a part of planning this for the record. If the coaches find out it's on you."

"Trust me, E, they won't find out. Party starts at 11 on the lake. Be there or be square." He nods as he walks away from me, going to change into more appropriate activity clothing.

We're doing various relay races today, some with our roommate and some with our cabins. I guess I'm kind of nervous about doing stuff with cabin mates. I've focused so much of my energy on Henry and Drew that I've barely gotten to know them. I mean obviously, I know the football guys in my cabin but I couldn't even tell you the names of the other two. John and Alex? I don't know. Something like that, I guess.

Plus, I've never been close to either of the football guys in my cabin either. I mean, Charlie is nice, as I've said before, just quiet. Especially when he isn't around James, and unfortunately for them James is in a different cabin. A lot of guys on the team try to get them to open up but I just don't think it's in their personality. We've all accepted it at this point, but we still do our best to include them in activities.

Ronan is the other football guy in our cabin. Unlike Charlie, Ronan can be pretty rowdy, although he's learning the limits of when it's acceptable to be loud and obnoxious and when it's not. He's definitely much chiller than, say, Bobby and Isaac, for example, which I can appreciate.

"Henry?" I look over at him, briefly admiring his side profile until he hums and turns his head to show he's listening. "Remind me of their names again?" I ask, for probably the fifth time in the last hour.

"Jesus Christ, Ethan. You might need a brain implant if you can't remember the names I told you not even five minutes ago." He shakes his head disapprovingly, but the fond smile on his face counters his action.

"I'm sorry, okay? I've never been good at names."

"You seemed to remember mine pretty well." A grin covers his face, telling me he knows exactly where he wants this conversation to go, and I'm pretty sure it ends with an ego boost for him.

"Yeah, but— You're just—" Hot, is what I wanted to say. I was madly in love with you from the first time I saw you, could've gotten my point across as well. But I am not going to fall into his game. I groan instead, covering my face with my hands. "Just tell me their goddamn names, please."

"Jake and Alex, sweetheart." I make a sour face at the pet name, although internally I am filled with the urge to kiss him.

"Don't call me that."

"Okay, cutie." I roll my eyes, but my stomach fills with so many butterflies that I might start farting them out unintentionally. But instead of sharing that with him, I get up to go find Drew (and calm my raging stomach butterflies).

The relays actually went pretty well. Our cabin won a few games and so did Henry and I. We made a better team than I think any of us expected and Jake and Alex seem totally cool.

We're getting ready for the party now. I use 'getting ready' very loosely, since we aren't even really changing clothes or anything. Henry just wanted to put some makeup on and I'm letting him put some on me because he said it would look good. Although I am seriously regretting saying yes to him when I realize how close he needs to be to put it on.

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