Chapter 6

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After Henry left I splash my face with cold water and texted Drew to come over. He came over pretty quickly and sat on Henry's bed. "So how are you liking your roommate so far?"

I groan at the thought of him. He just doesn't leave me alone. "He's fine. How's yours?"

"He's cool. Pretty quiet but I think I'm breaking through to him." Of course, he is. My roommate is breaking through to me. He's actually turning me gay. I didn't know that was possible. That's not something Drew needs to know though.

"That's cool." Damn, I am really struggling to talk today.

"I think I'm gonna throw a party while we're here."

"Of course you are. But how can it be a party if there are no girls or drinks?" Not that I care about girls. I guess I learned that today.

"Well, I have drinks. And we don't need girls. Let's be gay for the night!" You have no idea buddy.

"Am I interrupting something, Ethan?" And of course, Henry had to walk in as Drew said that.

"No, Drew is just being a dumbass. This is Drew by the way. Drew this is Henry." I gesture at Henry although I'm pretty sure he gets who I'm talking about.

"Nice to meet you, Henry," Drew said with a calm and cool smile. God, I wish I could do that right now.

Henry smiled right back at him, reaching out to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Drew," I hissed. "Get your ass off his bed." Drew rolled his eyes at me but listened and walked over to my bed.

"Hey, Pookie." He grinned as he sat right next to me.

"Ew. What the fuck. Get your grubby hands off me."

"I really feel like I'm interrupting something," Henry said, cautiously sitting on his bed.

"No, you're fine. Drew is just being a menace."

"I'm not being a menace. You love me, Ethan. I know you do." I roll my eyes and groan.

"You're being too much. Calm down, please." He rolls his eyes and stands up, trying to pull me up with him.

"It's dinner time, let's go." He finally succeeds in pulling me up, stumbling back a little in the process.

"Dumbass." He takes this as a threat and shoves me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Henry watching us, still sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard. Does he know any other way to sit? Drew pushes me again, seemingly pulling me out of my short daze. "Okay, fine. Let's go."

"Thank you." He finally says cheerily. We take the short walk to the dining hall together, mindlessly talking and teasing each other. The closer we get the more prominent the smell is. "Oh my god, it's pasta night. I fucking love pasta."

"You do? I had no idea. It's not like you tell me every 10 minutes." Possibly the only thing Drew likes more than parties is pasta. He loves anything that starts with the letter "P" now that I think of it.

"You're just jealous," Drew stated confidently as we continued our walk.

"Of what? Why on god's green Earth would I be jealous that you like pasta? I like pasta too, I just don't feel the need to scream it all the time," I responded, mostly amused but somewhat annoyed at the same time.

"You're just jealous that I pull more girls than you." He's always been very proud of the fact that he goes through women faster than a dirty pair of underwear.

"Well, maybe I don't want to pull women," I muttered to the ground. His face twisted into a look of confusion until realization dawned moments later.

"Well, then you're just jealous I pull more men than you." I can't explain how grateful I am that he doesn't care. Like truly doesn't care. But of course, he has to keep joking about my inability to date people. Maybe I just don't want to date. Why can't that be the reason?

I scoff and turn to look at him. "Yeah," I say sarcastically. "I'm sure you do."

"I'm not even kidding, E. You remember Liam from freshman year?" I nodded hesitantly while he pulled something up on his phone. After a moment he held his phone out to me to read a text from a contact labeled "Liam".

The text read "Hey, Drew. This might be a little weird, but I've really liked you for a couple of years now. I know this is a stretch, but if you happen to like guys would you maybe want to go out with me?" The text was followed by a shorter message letting him down easily.

"Holy shit. I had no idea he was gay. Is that why he left the school?" We walked into the dining hall to get our food.

"I don't think so. He left because one of his parents got a new job somewhere else," he says from behind me.

"Oh, gotcha," I say while grabbing a plate for my food. They're serving pasta with white and red sauce options. They always offer a variety of fruit and vegetables to go with dinner and tonight they have dinner rolls as an option too. I think for dinner and lunch they offer dessert, so obviously I grab a brownie while I wait for Drew to finish up in line.

We head to the first empty table we say. Usually, people filter in behind us, but neither I nor Drew really cares if people sit with us since it's usually the football jocks and they tend to get annoying.

Drew and I chat casually as we eat our food. A few people show up to our table and make conversation with us but for the most part, we keep to ourselves.

That is until Henry walks up behind us and leans down to whisper in my ear. "Meet me by the campfire after dinner. I have a surprise." And of course, when someone says to meet you at a dark, secluded area followed by the promise of a surprise, your mind only goes to two places: sex or murder.

If I'm being honest, by the way my face is burning up and the look on Drew's face as he looks at me, I'm hoping for the ladder. I don't need this kind of conversation at the moment when I've barely had the conversation with myself.

So I gulp down whatever embarrassing look my face is making and nod to Henry, letting him know I'll be there.

When I turn back to Drew the look on his face has changed to a knowing smirk, but he takes a bite of his food instead of saying anything about it.


ok so i'm sorry its been a few days since ive posted. im on vacation rn so its hard to find time to write anything. 

i get some free time before i go to bed but my sister is usually in the room and i would rather her not know my evening activities.

luckily shes out drinking with her boyfriend right now so im gonna work on the next chapter right now.

also the more i think about the less i think ill be able to finish this story in 10 chapters so itll probably be a little bit longer but im living life.

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