Chapter 5

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After lunch, each duo was given a sheet of questions to ask each other. For some reason, we have to turn it in. This isn't school. Luckily we were allowed to go back to our cabins to do it but this is just too much for me right now. I could use a beer. I'm sure Drew has one I can take although that's probably a bad idea to do in the middle of the day.

Of course, Henry makes us walk back together, but we're quieter this time. Neither of us says much. For me, it's partially because if I do speak I'll become a blubbering mess. I don't know what his excuse is though.

Henry is back to his normal talkative self when we get back to the room. Plopping his ass on his bed and writing our names on the top. This feels like an elementary school assignment. "What's your last name again?"

"Hill." Sometimes, short and sweet is the answer. Like right now.

"Right. Mines White. In case you wanted to know." I don't respond, opting for a simple and classic nod of the head. "So, let's get started. We already did favorite colors so I'll write those down. Okay, what was your first ever pet?"

"Are they trying to hack me? Her name was Angel and she was a fish. She's an actual angel now but that's beside the point." He laughed a little while he wrote that down.

"Mine was Gummy. She was a black little pug. She's also an angel now but we miss her." He wrote his answer down and started asking the next question.

"Who was your first girlfriend? What even are these questions?" I laugh at the ridiculousness and look at my hands.

"Mine was Melanie. Not sure if you know her but we dated for like a week. I've never been big on dating." He nods, head focused on the paper.

"My first boyfriend was a kid named Nathan whom I met at a summer camp. He goes to Spring High now. This was forever ago though." So Drew was right. He is gay. That's okay, obviously. I'm not gay. I'm a perfectly straight guy.

"Cool, cool. My little sister is a lesbian." He nods slowly, probably confused. I would be too. Hell, I am confused. I'm confused about why I said that. She's not a lesbian. At least not that I know of. And it was totally irrelevant to the conversation.

"Good to know. So, next question. Do you have any siblings?" He looks up to me but is already writing something down.

"I have a little sister. She's 15." He knows, Ethan. Get a grip.

"Yeah, I gathered that. I have an older brother. He's 24. We aren't that close because of the age gap but I do love him."

"Wow. Hey, I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Drank too much lemonade at lunch." I smile and walk out. This is horrible. This could not be going any worse. I sit on the toilet for a bit again before I splash my face with cold water and run my hands under the cold water. I'm trying to clear my head but it isn't going too well. I keep thinking of his abs and his smile. But that is totally normal for any straight guy to do. I'm sure of it.

I walk back into the room and act completely normal. Well, as normal as I have been acting. Which isn't very. But that's okay. If I don't think about it it'll go away. "Here dude, come sit by me." He pats a spot next to him on the bed. He's moved back to the position he was in earlier, with his back against the headboard. Thank god they splurged on double beds so I don't have to be too close to him. "Okay, next, eye color? Here I'll just look."

Or he could go and pull that shit. Now he's even closer and his face is against mine. We're essentially kissing right now, that's how close he is. And when he turns away to write it down, he doesn't move. I get to spend this whole time pressed up against him. How is he okay with this? "Blue. You have gorgeous eyes, man."

"Yeah." I swallow, trying to calm myself down. "You too." This is so not okay. I've known this man for like three hours. I really don't need to deal with this right now.

He holds the clipboard out to me. "You want to do some?" I don't trust myself to say anything yet, so I grab the clipboard and scan the board.

"Describe your best friend." I fiddle with the pen in my hand, trying desperately to distract myself from the boy right next to me.

"Okay. His name is Trevor. He's sweet, somewhat clingy, obsessed with his girlfriend, he's really funny, and can make me laugh at the drop of a hat, he loves ice cream. What's yours like?" I swallow again, focusing on the pen in my hand and the paper in my lap. I should not be this nervous around a boy I just met. A really pretty boy, but still, a boy I just met.

"His name is Drew. He loves parties and sex but is actually really cool when you know him. On the surface, he's a shallow asshole but deep down he's really caring and couldn't hurt a soul. He loves to tease people that he cares for to show he loves them." I smile thinking about my best friend. I know he seems like an idiot on the outside but he's nothing but kind and sweet when you actually know him, despite the teasing.

"He seems interesting. I'd love to meet him." I look up at him, somewhat puzzled. There's no way he doesn't know who Drew is. I nod and start scribbling down my answer.

"Okay so, uh, favorite app on your phone? I swear Coach Glass is trying too hard to relate to us." He chuckles and thinks about his answer.

"Probably Spotify. I listen to wayy too much music. Like half a year worth of music, I did the math." It takes me a second to process that. How does someone even listen to that much music? Does he eat, sleep, and breathe it?

"Damn. Mine's TikTok. It's basic but I love it." Simple answers are good, I'm gonna stick with those for now. "Okayyy, last question. What are you most looking forward to at camp? Of course, he added this. Classic Coach Glass."

"Mine is getting to know you." He smiles at me and gives me a little wink. I think I died. Like actually. "And the rest of the football team. I don't think a lot of you are as bad as my team makes you out to be."

"Right. I was just gonna say leaving. I hate bugs but they love me." Short and sweet, short and sweet.

"I can see why." He winks again as he leaves with the clipboard.

Oh fuck. Oh holy mother fuck. That sold it.

I am SO gay.


that was fun. i'm going to bed.

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