Chapter 3

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Begrudgingly, I woke up at 5 this morning to ensure I don't miss the bus. Looking back, it was not a good idea to stay up until 3 am but now that I've done it I guess I gotta suffer the consequences.

I take a quick shower to help wake me up, turning the dial to cold at the very end to help wake me up. I put on basketball shorts and a sweatshirt for the bus ride so I'm comfy. I don't know how we're all gonna fit on one bus, just the football team barely fits on one bus.

As I shake my hair dry and do my best to tame it, I also brush my teeth and put my socks on. We don't technically need to be there until seven, but since I'm picking Drew up and we're getting breakfast I'm leaving before 6. I make sure I have everything I need and say goodbye to my parents before I leave the house to start the drive to Drew's.

It's surprisingly peaceful on the road. I assumed more people would be on their way to work since this is usually when my parents are leaving for work, but I guess not. I turn on my morning drive playlist while at a red light. It's songs that are high energy to help me wake up since I have a tendency to go to bed wayy too late.

As I pull into Drew's house, I notice he hasn't turned any lights on. Knowing Drew he definitely slept in, so I pull out my phone and give him a call. When he doesn't answer, I call him again, this time he answers on the 4th ring. "Dude where the fuck are you? We agreed on 6, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. Give me five minutes. I'll be right out." I roll my eyes and hang up the phone. After staring at his house for a few minutes I get bored and open TikTok to distract me. Drew is such an asshole sometimes.

After not five but 10 minutes of waiting for Drew, he finally comes out and gets into my car. "Morning Asshole. Could you have taken any longer?"

"Sorry," he groaned, "I forgot to change my alarm last night. But it's okay because now we can go to hell together."

"Where should we go to breakfast? Annie's?" Annie's is the local diner. It's small and retro themed but usually pretty quick.

"Sure. I love Annie's. We can get a milkshake to share like we're boyfriends." That's gross, I would never date him.

"That's gross. I would never date you." I repeat my thoughts out loud. They seemed appropriate for this situation. He sticks his tongue out at me but I ignore him, pretending to keep my eyes on the road. Or- not pretending but you know what I mean.

The good thing about Annie's is that it's right on the way to school, so it's not gonna take extra time to drive there. When we get there, we're pretty much the only ones there. "Whatcha gonna get, E?"

I glance down at the menu at what I want. "Probably just the Denver omelette and an OJ. How 'bout you? French toast?"

"You know me so well." He grins. "And an apple juice, because apple juice is superior." I sigh, he's always trying to rial me up. It can be annoying.

"Yeah, okay, Drew." Once we order the food comes pretty quick. We talk a little while we eat but we mainly focus on finishing the food and leaving since we're in a bit of a time crunch (thanks to Drew). We make it to school with milkshakes in hand and 10 minutes to spare. We spend some time talking to some of the guys while we wait for everyone to get there.

When it's time to leave, the coaches take attendance and we get on the bus. Drew and I sit in the back with the rest of the football guys and all the basketball losers are up front. The bus ride is long, but I use it as a chance to get in some extra sleep. I use Drew's shoulder as a pillow, which is actually pretty comfortable.

When we get to the camp we have to stay on the bus for a little extra time so the coaches can tell us who we're rooming with and get us checked in. I mostly ignore who's with who while I wait for my name to be called. "Barry Hicholic, in cabin 4 with Sam Smith. Ethan Hill, in cabin 6 with Henry White. Karlson Cheer," Then I block him out again as I turn to Drew.

"Drew, did you hear that? I'm with Henry. I don't even know who that is." I try to be quiet so the coaches don't hear me.

"I'm pretty sure he's an asshole. And he's gay so he probably fucks assholes. Which is ironic." I roll my eyes. Everything is about sex with Drew. I'm pretty sure he has sex like 7 times a night with how much he talks about it. He is also really obsessed with me having sex, which makes me sort of uncomfortable, but it's Drew and he can do no real harm. He's like a puppy.

"That's not really what ironic means, Drew."

"What? Yes it is. He's an asshole, he likes asshole, irony." I sigh defeatedly and continue ignoring Coach Glass. The more I listen to him, the more I realize that his voice is really annoying. He's got like an underlying lisp that you don't really hear unless he's talking a lot and his voice is strangely high for a man his size. Like you'd look at him and you'd think he'd have a really deep voice but then you hear him talk and you jump in surprise. Not that I have anything against lisps, his specifically is just incredibly annoying paired with his weirdly high voice

"Wait, what cabin are you in? I really wasn't paying attention." I turn back to Drew and change the topic. I've already heard the word asshole too many times for it only being 10am.

"Oh I'm with Tyler. Thank god. I would've died if I was with Davis or someone awful like that. And we're in cabin 5, so we'll be like right next door to each other." He wiggles his eyebrows at me. Which is really weird, but I forget about it quickly when we're released to go unpack.


imma be honest I was just thinking of the first thing that came to mind for those names, and that was catholic. im not catholic or religious in any way so im not sure why it was that, but i changed it a little so it wasnt too obvious. i also dont know where sam smith came from but yk unholy or whatever

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