Chapter 10

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Two days have passed since we played truth or dare, so today is Monday. Nothing has happened between Henry and I since then, which I am so grateful for. It means he was being honest about taking it slow. We've talked a lot about random topics, but no kissing or anything else like that. It's giving me lots of faith that maybe we can be an actual couple someday.

Today's morning activity is dodgeball. The coaches thought it would be a good way to get our anger toward each other out in a healthy, non-harmful way. Because of this plan, they decided to separate our teams for today because it isn't really a team-building exercise, but rather a rage room type of exercise.

Honestly, I miss Henry, despite only being separated for an hour. We've gotten pretty close, and I definitely have a massive crush on him. I've thought about it a lot over the last two days and I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I don't think I've ever had an actual crush on a girl, at least not that I can think of, but there are a few clear moments that looking back I realize don't have a straight explanation. Like my weird obsession with The Flash as a kid, but no other superhero shows or movies.

If I had to guess, I'd say this whole camp is kind of working. At least for some people. I know a lot of guys on the football team have become friends with their roommates. Drew and I both have. Although Drew's relationship with Tyler is really weird. Drew is really patient with him, similar to how he can be with me. Tyler is way more shy and reserved than most of us though, so he spends a lot of time in their cabin.

"ETHAN. MOVE." I look up and see a dodgeball flying at me. I react quickly and try to catch it, it bounces out of my hands once, but I regain control and get whoever threw that at me out. I find a target on the other team and throw the ball as hard as I can at them. He doesn't even notice until it hits him and he's out.

So far, we've won two games and they've won one. We decided on best out of 5 which means if we win one more game we're guaranteed to win, even if we lose the last one. It's going our way so far, although both teams still have lots of players left.

I glance over to the sidelines to see who's gotten out so far and I see Henry. Selfishly, I want to get myself out so I can go talk to him, but I know my team would be mad. I decide to keep playing, admittedly somewhat recklessly, but I definitely won't be mad if I get out early.

I can feel Henry's eyes stuck on me, watching my every move. It makes me try just a little harder. I stop being reckless when I notice him watching me. The need to impress him overtakes the want to talk to him.

Somehow it works, I get the winning shot on Cody. I feel bad, but Henry gives me a high five and tells me 'Good job' which stops me from caring too much.

The basketball team wins the last game, which was kind of a pity win at that point because we had already won. There isn't a prize for the team that wins, just bragging rights I guess, but it feels good to win anyways.

I run to find Drew after the game, needing to talk to him about Henry. "Drew?"

"Oh, hey man. What's up?"

"Look, I need to talk to you. I'm going insane." I grab his wrist and pull him to my cabin. Probably not the best choice, but Henry already knows I like him so I don't care that much if he hears my gushing.

"Is this about Henry again? Don't you have anyone else to talk to about him?" I shake my head and push him onto my bed, forcing him to sit and follow right after.

"No. You should know I'm a very lonely person. But Oh. My. God. Have you seen his abs? He was stretching during the last game and his shirt rose up a little. It was like the best thing that could've possibly happened to me today. Did you know he's like almost as buff as me, despite playing basketball? I think you deserve to know that. And his voice. His voice, man. It's so hot. Why did they room me with him? I don't know if I can handle it anymore. His voice alone is enough to make me want impure things from him." Drew rolls his eyes and lays back on the bed.

"This is torture. Is this what I sound like when I've met a girl?" I nod, but I'm not listening to him.

"Also, have you seen how pretty his eyes are? They're like the greenest eyes I've ever seen. Like truly emerald green. And they have little spots of gold, and in some lighting, they look kind of blue. I don't understand how someone could look like that. And don't even get me started on-" Before I can finish that last sentence Drew's hand grabs at my wrist and I stop talking. I look at him, confused, and he glances at the door. "Oh. Hi, Henry." I turn to Drew and whisper, "How long has he been there?"

"Not long. Frankly, I wish we could have traded places," Drew says, not bothering to whisper. "Probably would've been an ego boost for him and I wouldn't have had to listen to all of that."

"Shut your greasy mouth up." I glare at him.

"Am I interrupting something?" Henry finally speaks up. I'm certain lied when I said I would be okay with him hearing my gushing about him.

"Thankfully, yes. You are." Henry's looking at me with a shit-eating grin on his face. This is humiliating for me.

"No, you're not. We were just chatting about normal manly football stuff. You're welcome to join us." Somehow he grins even wider, his beautiful eyes still staring at me.

"Oh? And what kind of manly football stuff are we talking about?" I laugh nervously, looking to Drew for help, but he's wearing the same grin as Henry.

"You know-" I glance at Drew once more who just shrugs, the grin never leaving his face. "Like the winning kind. With lots of testosterone."

He walks over to where I'm stuck in place. "Really?" His eyes are boring into my soul. I stand there frozen while he places a finger on my chin and moves my head to look up at him. I know this is amusing to him, it shows all over his face. He's trying to get me to admit to talking about him. It's definitely working. Despite only knowing him a few days he has complete control over me. He's known how to get me to do exactly what he wants since we were at that godforsaken campfire.

"Um-" I'm stuck in every form. I can't talk, I can't move. I've turned to Jello right in front of him. My arm moves up to his hair, despite my attempts to stop it, his fluffy, curly, golden hair is like weird perfection. It's messy but controlled and the perfect color and I never want to remove my hand. I look into his eyes which are already staring at mine, filled with intensity. The golden flecks are hidden now that the lighting is worse, but they are as green as ever, and looking at me with a weird mix of lust and admiration.

"I hate to interrupt this lovely moment, but we're supposed to go to a meeting right now. The coaches want to check in on us since we're halfway through the trip." I jerk my hand back, moving my body with it, and bang my head into the wardrobe behind me.

"Fuck! Ow." I rub my head with my hand while Drew and Henry both laugh at me. "Shut it." I grimace in pain and walk out of the room, mind racing with what just happened.


this is a little triple update tonight. surprise!

anyways, i think im in love with taylor zakhar perez and this girl i met at dance camp (anna if you see this, i stood behind you in musical theater, marry me?) (i will also accept marriage from you taylor. why are you so gorgeous? im in love. ill plan it)

so yeah. I hope you enjoy the triple update. there may be more coming but i really dont know so dont have high expectations because ill probably let you down like i do most people.

also feel free to write comments!! i love reading them and ill try to respond but idk we'll see.

have a great night/day!!

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