chapter 2

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Who could it be? I thought. I looked at my half eaten lunch and considered not getting up and ignoring whoever might be interrupting me. But I promised myself I'd try to get along with people.

So I opened the door.

"SUPRISEEE" the group shouting made me take a step back. I really was surprised, although I doubt it was the kind of surprise they'd be happy they caused.

There stood Lucy and Natsu, the only ones I met until now. Behind them were two black haired boys,obviously different like sky and earth even though they shared the hair colour. A short blue haired girl with hair suiting her height was smiling over her red rimmed reading glasses, standing besides Lucy in a familiar way, initiating they were best of friends. The last one I noticed was a wide eyed, also blue haired girl that seemed to keep her distance from the rest. It was only slight but noticeable.

"Hey,Erza. Hope we didn't barge in at the wrong time." Lucy said, excitement and happiness shining in her brown eyes. I wonder what had made her into the kind person she is today.

"Hi,Lucy,Natsu. " I greeted them,smiling the most I could manage when they unannounced interrupted my peace time. If they had strawberry cakes here that my mum used to bake ,and that I passionately loved, I probably never would've opened that door.

"Of course you are welcome." Oh joy. I felt fairly tired and wasn't in the mood to entertain guests. "Care to introduce your friends? "

"Oh, of course, I forgot for a moment there." Short blue haired girl said,"I am Levy McGarden,and these are Gajeel,Gray and Juvia " she swayed her hand at them each"and I am going to take my guess and say you have already met Lucy and Natsu."she smiled and extended her hand. I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Levy McGarden"

"Oh,right,come on in "I moved a bit from the door so they could pass by " Is there something in particular bringing you to my door?"

"Juvia and the others just wanted to welcome you, Erza-san. It can get lonely in a new school." Juvia explained.

Knew it. She transfered here too.

"Oh no." I turned to Levy, who seemed to be entranced with my wall clock. I glanced at it and then back at her.

"Something wrong? "I asked,confused by her sudden mood change.

"Uh,girls, our pilates class is starting in like less than thirty minutes." Levy announced. "Maybe we should hurry."

"OH MY GOD,I totally forgot"Lucy screetched.

"Why the panic? Half an hour is a lot of time to get ready."

I could practically feel Lucy's nerves jumping up and down in anticipation. "You have never been late to her class. If by any unfortunate turn of events you ever are,trust me, you'll understand."

"Boys,out." Levy, whose way they were standing in, not so softly pushed them out.

"Ok,ok, we have to pripare for some stupid football match again anyways. " Gajeel shook his head and they parted their ways.

"In the hall for 15 minutes,girls!" Levy commanded and they each ran to their room. I closed the doors and approached my closet. As I guessed,staff left clothes my size with a small paper on each pile to signalize which is which. I pulled out the one with PILATES tag on it

I changed in barley 5 minutes.Deciding I have more than enough time I looked to the table.There was a schedule there, a rough piece of paper with square and strict letters on it.


~7:00-7:30~walk in the morning


~8:30-12:30~ classes

~13:00-14:00~ lunch in the cafeteria or dorms(for this arrangement talk to the director of the faculty)

~14:30-16:00~pilates class

~16:00-18:00~walk in the night


~21:00-21:30~going to sleep


"Oh, so many things to do in one day. Just wonderful  "I mumbled.

"Erzaaa!"Lucy called from the hall, and I sighed. This is going to take a lot of getting used to.

"Coming!"I shouted and left the schedule on the table where I found it. I took a bag I packed a few of necessities in, including a pink fluffy towel and a knife I always carried with me.

Old habits die hard I guess.

I opened the door and with my bag I ran out to the hall.

"There are 10 more minutes! "Levy panicked, gripping her bag to her chest.

"Then we better hurry"I said calmly and the four of us stared running down the stairs. We must've looked funny, our hair flying everywhere and panicked looks on tgeir faces.

We were in front of the gym in a matter of minutes and entered.

"Oh god, Juvia feared we would be late"Juvia explaimed and sighed in relief.

In that moment some woman came in.

"We will now start the practise."she said, and I instantly disliked her voice.She was in her late 50 and yet the screeching sound she created wasn't even slightly muffled by her age.

"All of you sit down " she was like a perfect example of screaming mermaids from sea legends.

All of the girls sat ,including me.

She started talking again.I felt like I was going to lose my hearing, but didn't cover my ears none the less.

She looked over us, counting out loud."I guess you are all here ."

All the girls stood up except for me. I frowned a bit, as unnerving realization dawned upon me.

I knew this woman. 

Lucy nudged me with her foot and gave me a hand, unnecessarily helping me stand

"Now start with basic exercises."she ordered

"Heartfilia with Scarlet, Lockhart with McGarden,Tephanie with Silen..."she started paring us until none of us stood alone anymore.

I didn't know what 'basic exercises' meant, but I guess I was about to find out.

After practise

I really felt exhausted.We were doing easy but one of those exercises that hurt like hell if repeated.I was now walking to my room with Lucy,Juvia and Levy.

"I am soooo tired"I was complaining, just because I could and because I knew no one was going to judge me for it.

"Don't worry Erza,night walks really do relax. Except if you are walking with some idiot who thinks it's ok to jump you in the dark"Levy reasoned out, and from the corner of my eye I saw Lucy blushing.

But I was confused by another aspect of this and therefore didn't focus on this much." What do you mean walk with someone?"

"You haven't read the schedule yet?"Lucy asked.

"I did,but just the first page."I explained.

"Every evening we go to night walks.Every year they pair up teams of two.Always a girl and a boy.The teams walk trough the woods.It is not dangerous because all of teams go the same way.It is just for relaxation I think"Juvia explained.

"Got it. Let's hope for the best."

"See you Later " I said and walked into my room.

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