Chapter 12

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Gregory's P.O.V

Ah. These beautiful,beautiful streets. A human can just appreciate the smell of trash, blood and pity that was swirling and going through here like a gentle breeze.

But there was something missing. Someone missing. I would've never stepped a foot in here without stumbling into that blackhead chick. Ah. Last time I ended up with a pretty badly broken arm and would have been worse if I hadn't left.

"There is no sign of them here,sir. The rumours were true." One of my man said.

"You know Darvin." I continued walking. "That rumours always have something either wrong or missing, in most cases both.

It may have been true she left and that she is now living a normal life in a normal high school, but that image- it is just twisted, don't you think?"

'There MUST be something else.' I thought. She was ruling over this neighbourhood and probably many others, if you dig deep enough. She would never leave without a reason.

I remember once when I was determined to bring her down from her throne because I handled quite a lot of money and nobody, even her, could decline it.

"What are you here for,Gregory Derleea?" Her hair was red, so blazing, blazing red. I could sense that the blackhead was ready to either attack or defend her friend and leader, if I made only one wrong movement. And she damn well knew how to make bones snap like small,weak branches and more than once it was the neck.

"I wanted to discuss getting this neighbourhood under my control, Red queen. "


"I am willing to pay a certain amount, that can be considered more than generous."

"My answer remains the same."

I was irritated. "A hundred thousand."


"Half a million."

"I. Said. No."

"What the hell ? Do you know how much money that is?"

She stood up now, anger coming out of her in waves but never showing on her face. Leaning towards me, she left no more than a few inches between our faces.

She was the first one who actually scared me. Those eyes under which lay the unwavered heart and that coldness in her features got glued to my mind.

"Do you know how hard I worked to get this under my control ?" She breathed out, so quietly that it was impossible for others to hear her. "No money is enogh because I am NEVER going to leave it. Understood? "
Without waiting for an answer, she sat back on the box.

"Nirvana." She turned to the green haired girl. Amongst them, she was the creepiest with her dead black eyes. "Will you show him the way out?"

Nirvana stood up but I raised my hand, more to get Scarlet's attention that to the green one. It was very well known that when she gave out an order, nothing could stop her people.

"I can go alone. " I turned around and looked at those five who were enough to take down Fiasco, the previous in charge of this place.

Amelia, the brown haired girl with eyes that were prettier than even the real emerald and Tiffany, who was as always dressed like a native American were the rest of the group.

"Sir." Darvin awoke me from my memory.

"Call our people, Darvin." I smiled. "We are going on a trip."

Jellals P.O.V

What was it about that new student? I just couldn't stop the harsh words tbat came from my mouth. And the way she reacted when I threatened to blame Erza. I didn't mean it, of course, but that look she gave me and a stance that looked calm on the first glance but was just a mask for readiness to attack were not normal.

I knew girls would protect their friends and slap or in the worst kick people who said or did something wrong to them, but it was always a kind of innocent and inexperienced kick.

Carmen Wilder was different.

Her movements were those of an experienced hitter. Or a professional assassin. Definitely calculated.

What am I doing? There is no way someone nice like Erza would be a best friend with a person who hurt people. And I was probably thinking too much into this. I must've mistaken that movement of Carmen's.

I imagined it all. I should have a cup of coffee.

Erza's P.O.V

"I swear if she says ' Do it better' one more time." Both Carmen and I shifted from leaning backwards to leaning forward as well as everyone else. "I am going to break her spine."

Carmen hated gymnastics, to say at least. Don't get it wrong, she was like a gum. It just irritated her to the core.

'I am a hitter, not a freaking dancer.' She would always say. Amelia was the one who preferred elegant way of dealing with and hurting enemies.

"Now sit down on your mats." We all listened and sat down. "Breathe for five minutes now."

I turned to Carmen. Her hand was dangerously twitching. This wasn't good.

When she raised it I was ready to jump but she just continued sitting there with her hand-well, raised.

"You will ruin your breathing that way." The instructor said with her awful voice. "Put your hand down."

Carmen shut her eyes tightly for a moment before opening them again. Well known anger danced like flames in them. But she put her hand nonetheless.

"Calm down. Think of this as a new challenge." She shot me a look and barked

"A new challenge is when I find someone worth fighting. A new challenge is when I have to fight under worse conditions than usual. This is a ridiculous way to lose time."

"I guess we will have to pause till our next class, my little ducklings. And don't forget to do it better next time." The instructor said cheerfully.

"Uh-uh." I held Carmen's  forearm and dragged her out of the room. "Calm it."

"Hello ladies." I looked up and my eyes met Jellals. He then moved his head to glance at Carmen. If was almost as if he was trying to read her secrets and true personality. 

I hoped he didn't already catch on to her true colours. That would mean she would have to leave. 

"I asked the principal and he told me to come along with you guys." She smiled "I hope it's not a problem. "

Jellal smiled back. "It isn't unless you make it one. "

"We will meet you later. Let's go." I said and walked away,thrusting Carmen to follow right behind.

She entered my room and sat on the bed. "Pink? You're kidding."

I looked at her from my place in front of the open wardrobe.  "They probably changed the sheets. "I continued rampaging the closet in search of my sporty clothes until I found a tracksuit and black T- shirt "I hope you packed your things according to the schedule. Hurry and change. We have some 'relaxing' to do "

"Killing Fernandes would be relaxing,  that you're right."

"I don't mind it but why do you hate him so much? "

She shrugged. "I don't really know the reason. I just don't like him."

"I guess it cannot be changed then" when we were full dressed and ready, I offered my hand. "Shall we, madmoiselle le hitter?"
She took it. "Of course."

A little short still hope u like it ~
Whatcha think of Carmen?

Published 8th january 2017
(BTW happy ny to everyone even though it's a bit late~)

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