chapter 9

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Erza P.O.V..

I was looking for Juvia in the garden when I saw two silluets behind the school near the wall.
A girl and a boy.The girl I never saw but I recognized the boy who was Jellal.I froze.I guess they didn't see me because I was too far.I was just watching how the girl reached his hair and went with her hand trough it.He said something to her and reached her hand when she kissed her.I didn't see the rest because my legs were already running away.Cold tears were falling down my cheeks freely.I didn't try to stop them as I kept running towards the garden.

I had to find Juvia and I had to stop my tears so I did.I stopped running and swept my tears away.

I came to garden still upset about what I saw just a minute ago when I saw her laying on the cold grass.I quickly came to her side panicking.I shaked her shoulders and checked her pulse.Thank God she was still alive but unconscious. Her left hand was bleeding and I guess the reason was the wound on  that hand which was going to end of her hand.

"JUVIA!JUVIA WAKE UP!"I was screaming and shaking her shoulders.I started crying and my tears were streaming down her cheaks.

"Please...wake up"I said almost whispering.

I took her in my hands putting my right head under her knees and my left hand under her haid carrying her as fast as I can while running also as fast as I can.Something fell on floor but I didn't have time to see it so I just put it in my pocket and continued on running.

Someone touched my shoulder. I stopped.I needed every help I can get.I turned around to see Jellal.

Oh no...he is the only one I don't want to see.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!"I shouted and ran away to school.

When I came to school I hurriedly went to infirmary to take Juvia there.Fortunately,there was a nurse in there.

"I need your help.Juvia is hurt and unconscious and her hand has the deep wound."I said panicked.

"Lay her down on bed."she said almost calm but I could hear worry in her voice.

I carried her to bed and layed her down on bed.

The nurse started cleaning her wound carefully and when she was done I sat down on bed next to her.I called Lucy and Levy and told them to come to  infirmary as fast as they can.Someone came in.It were Jellal and Gray.

"What happened to her?"Gray asked worried and angry and then came near Juvia.

"She is unconscious but her pulse is fine.Her wound is deep but luckily it wasn't infected.She should be fine by tomorrow morning."the nurse said when she suddenly came back to room.Although I didn't see her coming out.

"It is all my fault.I knew I couldn't leave her alone.I just went to check some papers and this happened. In just few minutes."he said and tears fell from his eyes to her cheek.

"It's not your fault Gray.I am sure she'll be alright.Well,I was alright when I was alone outside looking for Juvia,while someone who should be protecting me was busy with some obviously important job."I said and looked angry but also a bit sad at Jellal.

"G-gray-s-sama?"Juvia said weakly and opened her eyes to see Gray sitting next to her.

"Oh Juvia I am so glad you are fine but you should rest."Gray said.

"Juvia will listen to Gray-sama.She is glad that Gray-sama is worried about her."and with that Juvia fell asleep again this time with smile on her face.

"And now we should think about this"Gray started "there must be some note or something from who did this.And I guess I know who they were."he said now angry.

"I found some paper that fell from her pocket but I couldn't read it in the dark so I didn't even try."I said and pulled out a peace of paper.

"Ouch!"I said when I cut my finger with paper.The blood was slowly covering the paper.

"Are you alright ?"Jellal asked and took my hand but I released my hand.

"None of your bisnis."I said and looked at him in the eyes.

"What's with the attitude?"he asked and looked at me angry.

"What's with the attitude?! What's with the attitude?! You are asking me what's wrong with me ?Oh ,if you really want to know I am doing this for your own good."I whispered/shouted at him and met with his eyes that were now angry just like mine.

"What do you mean?By that I wasn't with you all the time.I was doing my job as one of class presidents and helping to some girl that needed something but she was too embarrassed to talk around her friends."he deffinetly snapped and I snapped too.

"Oh I didn't know your job was to teach your classmates how to kiss."I shouted at him and looked away.

"I didn't kiss her,she kissed me.And I told that to principal and she is grounded.And if I kissed her,what does that have to do with you?"he asked annoyed.

We both shut up and just looked at each other with anger.

"Well that was dense..."Gray mumled."I will go and I will bring Natsu and Gajeel and you try not to destroy infirmary."he said and walked out of infirmary.

We were just sitting in silence waiting for him to come back.I was thinking about what Jellal said to me.Did he say I was jealous?! I mean I didn't like to see him with some other girl exept of my friends but that didn't mean I was jealous.Right?!I mean I don't have the reason to be jealous of I don't like him.Yea,that's it.I wasn't jealous I was just worried for him as friend.Right?

I was interrupted in my thinking when Jellal broke the silence.

"If I was wrong about being with someone else than what were you doing with that boy?"he asked.

"What boy?"I asked confused.

"You know the one that was in the hall.You talked to him,remember?"he asked.

"Oh you mean him.I just accidently kicked him and I apologized.Something wrong with it?"I asked annoyed.

"Like I believe you."he said and sat next to me.He really annoyed me.First he argues with me and than he sit next to me.I don't understand him at all.

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