~5~ A misunderstanding

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Tw: mentions of gore, cussing, yelling


"He... he... was missing an e-eye?"

Apo went pale, staring at his freind is disbelief and horror.

Red shook his head and glared at Soup.

"There's no way, Apo wouldn't lie to us like that... was it a bandage over his eye or did you actually see-"

"Red, his eye was ripped in half, and he was covered in fairly fresh wounds."

Apo's thoughts were racing. Had Owen-

"Apo would never do something like that,"

Of course he wouldn't.

"So he ripped into his own face and arms?"

Neither would Owen, but then again...

"Yes! Clearly!"

No, no, no. Owen wouldn't... but he tried to kill Apo... did Apo even know him anymore..?

"He- he needed a convincing story."

Soup and Red both stopped arguing and turned to Apo.

"Owen's smart. He said I attacked him. If he was completely unscathed, no one would belive him. He doesn't think it was a fair win."

Red cocked his head. "Fair win?"

Apo sighed. "I told him I was going to run away and tell everyone in the clearing who he was, and he said 'that would be my just reward for beating him'. He thinks by having Red save me I somehow cheated"

Soup frowned. "Apo, everyone thinks you're a liar, a murderer, and a betrayer. You broke out of jail, for gods sake. Owen has done nothing but try to protect everyone. I believe you, seeing as you had a spear-shaped wound and a coherent story, but there's no way anyone else will belive you,"

Apo glared at Soup. "Beks tricked me! Sylvia practically pulled me out of that jail cell, I thought I deserved my fate of rotting in there! I was mistreated, called a murderer, called a liar, lost everyone in the clearing who cared for me, and spent months alone, all because I pulled a STUPID LEVER. Owen tried to MURDER ME because he's fucking insane and you think that people aren't going to put him in prison?"

"No, well yes, but thats not what I-" Soup began, but Apo cut her off.

"I need some fresh air. And don't even try to stop me, Owen already knows I'm here. I've got nothing to lose."

Apo began up the ladder but Red grabbed his shoulder.

"Let me come with you. Maybe that way if Owen tries to get the jump on you it'll be a 2v1." He shot an apologetic look at Soup and climbed up the ladder after Apo, not waiting for any answer.

Soup sat down on the bed and hung her head, wondering why her words had come off so wrongly. Eventually, the sleep deprivation kicked in, and she drifted away.

They realize - Outsders SMP - Reunion Arc - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now