~17~ Red

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Tw: blood

A/N: Took a break for my birthday and the holidays, we're back!

Also shout out confuzzledcrow77 for putting up with me ranting nonstop about outsiders for a year before watching it finally lol

Another emergency meeting. The last one was his trial. Red had refused to elaborate, other than that it was about Owen.

"It was about Owen"

Red's refusal to elaborate had Apo's mind going at speeds they hadn't thought possible. Had he died? Escaped? Gotten hurt? Was he loose? Had Rasbi or Krow hurt him?

When it finally came time for the meeting, Apo had mentally prepared himself for the worst. What he hadn't prepared for was what Red did when everyone had gathered.

Stepping up, the older man looked onto the crowed solemnly. Apo felt something was off about him, then figured it out. Red was completely sober.

He sighed, avoiding the eyes of the outsiders in front of him.

"This meeting, as you may know, is about our current prisoner. But there's more to it than I know what to do with. There's a lot of information I need to tell you, and you're not going to like... any of it. Or most of it, depending who you are."

"Spit it the fuck out already Red!" Krow yelled out to him. "I don't want to talk about that shitpile more than I have to."

In response, Red drew a javelin. He lowered his head, and held it out on the palms of his hand.

Apo recognized it immediately. It was the last thing they had seen before their lungs had filled with lead.

Bloody and dull, splintered on the edges from being pulled out of so many bodies, the sight of the javelin sent Apo's mind into a blur. They barely processed what Red was saying.

Red saw this. He took a shaky breath, the fabric surrounding his face being pulled into his mouth for just a second, unnoticeable had Apo not been looking for it.

"I know this is not the news you all wanted. I know I failed as a warden. Gut's blood is on my hands, and I am so sorry. But I'm more sorry for what I'm going to have to tell you all."

Apo though that the worst case scenario had already been met. If this was worse...

"Maze Owen is still there."

Red's words erupted the clearing into chaos. Red watched as Apo slumped over, head in their palms, processing. Magic stared at him in shock and camouflaged disgust. Graecie, still weak from the poison scare, leaned on who or what ever was closest to her. Unfortunately this happened to be Krow, who pushed her aside to jump up and start yelling. Rasbi had refused to attend.

"What do you mean ''maze' Owen is  still there? You do know that they're the same fucking person, right? 'One' of them just remembered he hates demons for no fucking reason. And you mean to tell me that the same person who tried to kill me, cut off my arm, killed Guts, nearly killed Apo -- who might I remind you is your best freind-- and is probably going to make an attempt on Rasbi is... whoever he was before?"

Magic chimed in. "The Owen I knew was caring, wanted nothing more but to protect his freinds, and looked past any and all differences as long as you were trying to be safe. The person in prison is not that man."

"Besides, even if he was the same guy, what are you saying we do? Let a racist madman loose on the off chance he "gets better"? Kyle added, glaring.

Red shook his head. His mind was the clearest it had been for a while, but that didn't stop him from feeling as if everything was going sideways.

"As... his warden, I thought it was my responsibility to tell you something was weird about him. Look, I don't know Owen that well. But when I confronted him, he handed me the javelin.  Completely freely. He was hiding it and I don't even know he had it, but he gave up his only weapon. He said it was because he didn't trust himself. He knew he couldnt protect the clearing anymore, count protect his freinds. That sounds like the person we knew."

"HE'S THE SAME PERSON, RED!" Krow screamed. "It dosent matter if he's shifting between alter egos or constantly changing his mind or whatever the fuck Owen is playing. The man in prison right now is THE SAME MAN who cut my arm off, who tried to, and almost succeeded in killing Apo. If you can't see that, shame on you. All of you."

It left and Kyle stood up, following suit. "I disagree with Krow on a lot, but you are all ignoring the obvious on a strand of hope. That man is not worth out time when we're so close to getting out."

He and Acho left. The rest of the clearing began dispersing as well. Apo stayed, and looked up for the first time since the announcement only after everyone had left.

"I'm going to see him."

Red immediately threw Apo's thought away.

"No, are you insane? He'll try to kill you! Apo listen-"

"No. I'm going to see him. I don't care if I get hurt. I need closure. For my own sanity. This isn't about him or our friendship, Kyle was right... he's not worth our time. This is for my sake. To see who he is. To give up. You think I shouldn't go? Fine. But I'm going to see him. One more time."

Before Red could even react, Apo sprinted off. Red ran after them, struggling to keep up.

"How did Owen even catch this guy," he muttered under his breath.

Apo threw open Guts' old door and ran in. Red reached the doorway and finally grabbed Apo's shoulder.

"Wait! Think for a second, he's dangerous!"

"Red, he is behind bars. I've made up my mind. I've been avoiding this way too long."


"No, Red. No."

They started down the ladder, and Red followed shortly.

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