Realisation (9)

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Confusion. That feeling you get when you don't know what's going on. Clown was at a loss for words. One minute he was chatting to Branzy and the next minute he sees him falling through the floor.

He carefully approached the stone table to discover a trapdoor that looked newly built.

Nervously, he cautiously peered down the hole into the deep abyss bellow.

"Branzy! Hello?! Are you alright?"

No answer. silence .

"Branzy?! You're starting to scare me!"

No answer. silence.


No answer.

Just darkness and... Silence...

Clown didn't know what was going on but he knew he was going to rescue Branzy.

Reaching down into his pocket he fumbled around until he found a match and torch.


Hastily, Haphazardly, Hurriedly; Clown Pierce struck the match stick and held the piece of wood to the torch.

The flame licked his fingers dangerously as he extended his arm out into the entrance. The crackling of the fire and the jester 's heavy breathing was the only thing to be heard in that solemn room.

The flame engulfed the darkness, illuminating the surrounding decaying stone and dirt that Branzy had disappeared into.

He couldn't see the bottom.

The masked man took a deep breath in before casually dropping down the chute and block clutching his way down to avoid getting injured.

He already missed his best friend, even after just seeing him. I guess that's what happens when someone your close to has their life endangered.


After what felt like an eternity of traveling, a dim light seemed to slowly peirce the dark matter of the void he was in.


Branzy felt like he was going crazy. He was alone in a foreign place and he was hearing voices. Just great! Why did this always have to happen to him?

First he gets ambushed in an alleyway and now this!

It's just...

A silent drop of water rolled down his cheek and puddles on the ground.

Where was Clown?


Rocks and dust fell from the ceiling and settled on the floor. The silver haired boy rubbed his glassy eyes and stared upwards.

Something was up there, and it was heading straight for him.

He immediately shrunk into the corner and curled up. What was happening! Was it an earthquake?! Was he going to be buried alive?!


Branzy quickly fumbled in his pocket and grabbed the nether star Clown had gifted him and hugged it close to his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut in a desperate attempt to prevent flying particles entering into his eyes and blinding him.


Rocks were cascading from the ceiling, hitting the floor and smashing into tiny pieces, the sound echoing throughout his cell.


A thick cloud of soot hung in the air like poison. Intoxicating him.


Journey of the Heart (Clownzy)Where stories live. Discover now