|117| lover lol idk

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When the gray haze lifts
from the curtains of my eyes,
I find you,
sitting with a hot cup of tea in your palms
you made just for me
because you know that while
coffee makes me human,
it also makes me anxious
like all my past lovers that felt good,
but were never good for me.

But you're not like them
and calling you a lover
doesn't serve justice to
what we share:
two alien beings treading aimlessly
in space
finally pulling each other
into an orbit that revolves
around something not quite mundane
by the mere act of seeing
who the other is.

I apologise after I say this out loud;
that didn't come out anywhere near
as graceful and ethereal as how I see you.
No, all I really want you to know is that
looking at you
is my favourite thing to do.

But you don't spot the lack of grace,
grace is redundant and an act,
and you and I have always excelled
at seeing through acts.

Through the vapour of the tea,
I look into your eyes in confirmation,
only to find my own reflection:
I see a woman, a girl,
who is smart, funny, beautiful and yours.

I smile, I immortalise this moment in my head.

The only eyes I ever want to be seen through after today,
and for the rest of eternity,
however long an eternity is,
is yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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