The First Kiss

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Touya couldn't stand Shigaraki at first.
He was rude, abrupt and wore that creepy hand that made him look even grosser than in the pictures Giran had shown him.
He didn't get why that hand was so necessary when Shigaraki wasn't actually that bad looking when he didn't have that damn hand sitting atop his face.
Sure, he had rough skin around his eyes that looked like it was from years of scratching at some kind of skin condition, and a couple scars here and there. But that was nothing in comparison to Touya.

Shigaraki, underneath the gross hand, scarring and untreated eczema, was actually, dare he say it, rather pretty.
He had soft facial features, a cute little button nose, and when he wasn't busy scowling, he had a pretty sweet smile, and warm vermillion eyes.
Touya couldn't remember when he first started letting his glances linger. Probably the first night they'd reluctantly ended up sharing the bar together, neither of them willing to allow the other to have the space to themselves.

Touya had watched him play some dumb game for what must have been at least an hour, rolling his eyes every time that the pale haired man died. Which was a lot.
Annoyingly, Shigaraki was even more fascinating to watch when he was really focusing on something, his body tight as though he was ready to jump into action any moment.

"You're shit at this." Touya had quipped, finishing the last dregs of his drink.

Shigaraki had thrown him a glare, muttering something about needing to 'grind' more.

Touya's comment must have wound the man up enough to force him into a better form with his gaming, because the amount of end screens Touya saw began to lessen.
He still didn't stop that from getting amused huffs out of him, smirking when he saw that it was getting under Shigaraki's skin, the pale haired man's knuckles whitening as he gripped the controller tighter at every snicker.

That's how it had started. Every night they'd reluctantly spent downstairs in the bar, they had begun to slowly warm up to each others company.
It had gone from near silence, to the odd hissed insult and snide comment, to hushed conversations about the League and life, to... well, whatever this was tonight.

Honestly, Touya had just been extremely grateful that Shigaraki had stood up for little Star when Muscular had made a vile comment about her and her mom.
It had taken everything within Dabi to not burst into flames there and then, while the stupid meathead was so close to him. Luckily Shigaraki's warning had pulled Touya out of his rage for long enough to stop him from doing anything, and he had turned his attention to making sure she was okay.
She hadn't let him in, and he could hear her sobbing, hyperventilating, and destroying her room on the other side of the door.

That had been terrifying. Hearing her suffer so much, hearing her panicking and being unable to get to her thanks to the lock on her door.
He wasn't an idiot, he could have melted the handle, as well as the lock if he really wanted to, but he had to take into consideration the little girls fear of men, as well as her prior trauma with her mother, and subsequently, her mothers boyfriends.
He wasn't unfamiliar with not being allowed privacy when he wanted it as a child, and what it can do to you, either. He didn't want to add to her trust issues or cross any boundaries.

He could sit it out. He would have to.

So he'd had the others go to check on her too, to make sure there were still noises being made in the room, some kind of life.
Even Shigaraki had tapped on the door, something Touya hadn't expected.
Touya had, probably a little irresponsibly, had a few drinks, trying to calm his nerves. He was torn between what was best for Star, as well as what he physically wanted to do.
The others had all tried soothing him and tried telling him that she'd be alright, but it didn't work, and in all honesty, he was probably the reason they all left relatively early tonight.

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