Starting Something You Can't Finish

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Touya realises that he accidentally woke something up in Shigaraki that he couldn't put back to sleep when he's awoken with a sharp prod in his arm.
He grumbles his displeasure, assuming Star had jabbed him to try and wake him up for whatever reason. He wraps his arms around her tighter, hoping that if she had a nightmare that the simple action of bringing her closer would soothe her enough to get her back to sleep.
But another jab, directly on a staple, pressing uncomfortably into the muscle under his ruined skin wakes him up enough for him to be a little irked.

"Star." He hisses a warning, opening his eyes only to be met with the image of a silhouette looming over him.

It takes everything in him not to lurch back, and scream.

"What the fuck?" He whispers into the dark.

"Come outside." Shigaraki rasps back, clearly attempting to keep his voice low too.

"Are you crazy?" Touya whispers, straining not to snap at him. "Who the fuck- You cosplayin' as Edward Cullen or somethin'? Creepy ass..."

"Shut up and come outside." Shigaraki hisses, backing away from Touya.

Touya babbles a little bit in shock in the dark, Shigaraki not moving, until accepting his fate, relenting and trying to wiggle away from Star without waking her.
Once he untangles her from him, he watches for a moment, waiting to see if she moves or grumbles or shows any sign of consciousness before glowering at Shigaraki in the dark.

"This better be important." He growls, getting out of bed and heading for the door, Shigaraki silently following behind.

"What do you want?" Touya asks, a little snappily, the second he's closed the door to his bedroom.

"Come with me." Shigaraki replies, walking off to his own bedroom.

In the lit hallway, Touya can see that his hair's scruffier than usual, like he'd been gripping handfuls of it before coming to get Touya. His eyes had looked more tired than usual, too, like he'd been struggling to get to sleep.
Probably been playing that stupid game all night again. Dying life? Dying light? One of them.
It's a little forward of a request, but Touya's not going to turn it down. While skulking behind Shigaraki he can't help but hope it's over quick enough that Star wouldn't wake up and panic that he's not there.

He frowns a little at himself. Jesus, is that what his life is going to be now? The first time something fully consensual is happening and it has to be rushed because he took on a kid? Clearly he hadn't thought that one through. There are always ways around it, he guesses. His parents clearly hadn't slowed down after he'd been born, after all.
He rolls his eyes at himself. Why did he always insist on thinking about things that unsettled his stomach?

Surprisingly, Shigaraki's room is tidy. Incredibly tidy. Everything was in its place, all his clothes hung up or put away, his desk area spotless. Even his bed is made. Maybe Shigaraki wasn't as much of a scruff as he looked. Touya's almost a little embarrassed at the state of his room in comparison to the room he stood in now.

"So, what d'ya want?" Touya asks again, leaning on a wall in the larger room, trying to look unbothered by the fact Shigaraki had woken him up in the middle of the night and summoned him into his room.

He doesn't get a verbal answer from Shigaraki, the smaller man spinning around in almost inhuman speed, grabbing the mess that is Touya's hair in what feels like a four fingered grip, dragging Touyas face to his and slamming his mouth against Touyas in a far clumsier copy of the way Touya had done to him at the bar a couple nights prior.

Touya smirks a little underneath those cracked lips.
He knew it. The boss wanted him.
Would have been nicer to hear him say it though.

With the clumsiness and clear inexperience behind Shigaraki's kisses, something told Touya that he wouldn't be lasting too long anyway, which worked for him. Maybe once Star's at Girans they could take their time a bit.
He grabs Shigaraki's waist, trying to peel the eager man away for a second so he can get more comfortable. Shigaraki, for such a slender person, holds his ground incredibly well, and Touya has to result in sinking his teeth into his blue-haired companions bottom lip to actually distract him enough to pull away.

He backs Shigaraki up until the back of his knees hit the edge of his mattress, knocking him off balance.
Shigaraki gives a small 'oof' as he lands on the mattress, his non-existent brows furrowing and his mouth opening, likely to complain, but Touya cuts him off before any harsh words could leave him, licking Shigaraki's lips gently with the tip of his tongue, placing his knee between his thighs and caging him in and slowly forcing him to lay on his back.
Shigaraki's expression changes from bewilderment to excitment a couple times as he looks up, Touya watching him carefully before pressing his mismatched lips to Shigaraki's again.

Slowly, Touya manages to encourage Shigaraki to run his tongue over his own. He tasted of sour energy drink, go figure. It takes everything in him not to roll his eyes.
Shigaraki seems frozen beneath him, his hands clenched into fists either side of his head as he kisses him back, the movement becoming more fluid with every exchange.
He still couldn't feel Shigaraki getting hard against his thigh, surprising, but he was sure he could work with it.
Making out was cool and all, but Touya had a ten year old to get back to, never mind the erection he himself was now sporting.

In an attempt to further the situation, Touya moves his kisses away from Shigaraki's lips, pressing small and quick kisses across his cheek, down to his jaw, before laving his tongue over the fresh scratches and scars of scratches once had.
He wasn't stupid. This kind of scarring was sensitive.
Not like his numbed out, ruined body.
Shigaraki gasps, his body stiffening under Touyas. Touya presses his knee a little closer to Shigaraki's crotch, expecting something now, but nothing.
"Dabi." Shigaraki rasps, his hands going to Touya's shoulders.

Touya nuzzles his nose against Shigaraki's neck softly before nipping a little at a patch of mostly scarred skin.

Shigaraki moans, a broken moan, but a success all the same. Touya even smirks.
But then he's being roughly shoved away, almost losing his footing as he's shoved off of Shigaraki.
Shigaraki backs away from him like a cornered animal, one hand on his neck and the other gripping his bedsheet.

Touya catches himself before falling, looking over at Shigaraki, a little confused.

"What-" He begins to ask.

"Get out." Shigaraki practically whispers.

'Are you fuckin' kidding me?' Touya thinks, but holds it inside, determined to keep it as just a thought. "I-"

"Get out!" Shigaraki says more firmly, straightening his body as though he's about to lunge for Touya if he doesn't immediately obey.

Touya had never had to deal with something like this before. Usually it was him snapping at people to get away when they falsely thought he was offering services those nights.
He holds his hands up in a show of surrender, spinning around to leave. His anger quickly turns into self deprication. Who was he kidding really? Who would want someone that couldn't even function some days because of the pain? Who would want someone as fucked up as him? And why would Shigaraki, who clearly struggled with Star, would want her replacement parent?

Originally he'd gone to the bathroom to reprieve himself of any arousal left before going back to bed, but his own self hatred ends up making it into him having to sit under cold water for five minutes so he doesn't burn anything.
Yet another thing he could berate himself for, the complete inability to control his emotions, and therefore his quirk. He put up a good front with the League, but how long was that going to last for?
When he gets out of the stream of cold water, he rubs his hair as dry as he can, before leaning on the sink and looking at himself in the mirror for the first time in a long time.

His fist rises and nearly makes impact with the glass, but he stops it just in time, the thought of Star being worried enough to stop him from falling into the same routine of self destruction he always seemed to get into when he felt rejected.
He wants to scream, but doesn't.

Instead he just splashes cold water on his face until the steam emitting from his body wanes, avoiding the mirror as he raises his head once again.

After all, it wasn't Touya here anymore. Just the decaying and haunted shell remained.

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