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Tomura was pissed off.
He'd never say it, but it always seemed to be whenever his Sensei gave him orders, or tried to nudge him in the direction of what to do, it always went wrong.
The USJ attack, and now this.
The attack on the summer camp had gone well, and he'd let Dabi take charge on that one, someone who had apparently no notable crimes or experience under his belt.

They would have been even more screwed if it weren't for that kid Dabi brought along with him coming downstairs thanks to the ruckus the heroes had caused.
Dabi had tried telling her to leave at first. He appreciated she was young, and needed to be kept innocent from the realities of what they all were doing, but she had been completely distracted by Gran Torino flying across the room and knocking Dabi out with one quick kick to the head.
Naturally, this upset the little girl that followed Dabi around like a lost puppy.

For some reason, watching All Might pick up the ten year old Tomura had been housing alongside Dabi and Toga had made him bristle.
He never got picked up by a hero when he needed it after the actual death of his entire family.
Watching her headbutt him, even if it was likely an accident, had made the itch he couldn't scratch with his arms trapped within the confines of the wooden cage he'd been ensnared in fade just a little.

The second she was free, she had run to Dabi despite Tomura calling to her to free him.
Her little eyes had gone empty, and she wasn't responding to anyone's cries, a feeling and mental place Tomura had once been in before, too.
She only shows emotion when Gran Torino gently tries to ease her away from her replacement father figure, a scowl on her face that almost put Tomura to shame.

He hadn't expected her to use her quirk on him, knocking the old, decrepit hero sick almost immediately, the tiny and aged man spewing chunks onto the wooden floor of the bar.
He especially hadn't expected her quirk to have some kind of level-up, her body glowing a light green as the room ever so slightly began to feel like it was spinning.
He could have done with her not making them all sick, but luckily, he went through the majority of his life feeling sick for one reason or another, so he wasn't too bothered by the room spinning and the feeling of nausea settled in his stomach, and it didn't slow down his efforts to escape.

Tomura wasn't too proud to be thankful for a party member carrying the rest of the team, even if they were ten years his junior.

Luckily Star was too far gone, disassociated completely when Toga stabs and slashes into Kamui Woods arm (branch?), and is completely unaware in Twice's arms when Tomura manages to get free and decay Woods.
She does ask Twice who's screaming, but her voice sounds disconnected and weak.
At least she hadn't seen. She was too young for that.
Killing Woods had quelled the itching under Tomura's skin for mere moments before his eyes had rested on an un-smiling All Might. He'd lunged for him, but his speed wasn't quite enough to match the number one hero's, the blonde managing to pick up the remaining members of their team before dashing off.

So yeah, he was pissed off and unsatisfied.

He wasn't happy that he had to pack up for Star and Dabi either while they were both unconscious.
He wasn't happy that he was being snapped at by the two of them when they did wake.
He's even busy brooding on the loss of Sensei and the bar at the new bar with a glass of whiskey between his palms when Dabi texts asking him to send the stupid raggedy teddy his brat carried around with her back up to them.

He threw the damn thing through the warp gate, hoping it hit Dabi straight in the head.
It was childish and pointless. Nothing was achieved by it. And Tomura tried his best to keep his anger in check around the others now ever since almost killing Dabi and Toga on their first outing, but today his control over his temper was well and truly lost.

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