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At first, watching Magne explode in front of him had shaken Touya up. His brain was full of static and his body was numb as it went through the motions of making sure that Compress was still at least alive after losing an arm to the deadly hands of Kai Chisaki, who named himself 'Overhaul'. After witnessing the death of Magne, Compress really should have considered himself lucky that an arm was all he lost.
Once he'd gotten over the shock, he became sad. Listening to Twice and Toga cry constantly at the loss of their friend began to wear him down. Toga was young, only a few years older than Star, really, and although Toga had been witness to plenty of bloody messes through her own hands, something about her reaction to losing Big Sis told Touya that she'd never really lost anyone close to her through someone else's doing before. It was heartbreaking to watch.
Once he'd managed to get Giran to look after little Star, he'd made sure Compress was in good hands, and then began to try to soothe Toga as best as he could.

He'd let her cry into his shoulder for a good while, unable to cry himself, but feeling that horrible numb weight in his chest at the energy in the room as well as at the loss of a perfectly nice woman within their ranks.
Toga wasn't as cosy to hug as Star was. She's bigger, older, unable to tuck herself into him as fluidly as Star can. But this wasn't for Touya, it was for Toga. She needed the comfort, and despite Twice and him holding her, the sobbing never slowed.
He wasn't even fully there himself, too busy considering how he could explain the loss of Magne to little Star.

Spinner still wasn't really aware of what had happened, just kept staring at his taloned hands as though Magne's blood was still on him, Compress had been taken off by the doctor Giran had contacted, and so Touya was left with the silence of Spinner, the emotional friends and the emotionally dead Kurogiri.
Shigaraki had skulked off to his room after coming back from dropping off Star's things to Giran, completely disappearing at the time his people needed him.
Touya knew that really, the way Shigaraki had completely shut down wasn't a normal reaction to what they had all witnessed, and that his actions immediately after they'd gotten back to the base meant that Shigaraki had likely dealt with a similar situation before.

But the others needed a leader right now. Not Touya, but Toga and Twice definitely could use the presence of someone in charge, someone that could reassure them that revenge would be had, that Magne's death wasn't for nothing.
And so Touya got mad.

By the time Toga had cried enough that she'd passed out, Touya had tucked her into his own bed, knowing that Star wasn't around tonight, and that Toga would be devastated to wake up in her and Magne's shared room.
Twice had taken a bottle from behind the bar, Kurogiri allowing it without any complaints this time, and had taken himself off to bed too, and Spinner had disappeared into the hotel's gym. Probably sweating it out, Touya had noticed he did that sometimes.
Touya, in his rage, knocks on Shigaraki's door. He can hear the roll of his chair and then the padding of his feet as he approaches the door.

When Shigaraki opens the door, his expression is just as bland and dead as it was earlier, no shine in his crimson eyes like there usually was if you dared look for long enough to notice.

"What is it, Dabi?" He asks in his usual blunt manner.

"You jus' gonna hide in there? Not gonna support the others?" Touya seethes.

"I'm strategizing. I need the quiet." Shigaraki replies, his hand raising to scratch at his neck.

Without even thinking, Touya grabs his wrist before Shigaraki's nails can drag at his skin, using the grip to push him back into the room, kicking the door shut behind him so the others wouldn't be able to walk in on, or hear the argument he was intending to have.

"You're playin' a fuckin' game, as usual." Touya sneers, annoyed at the lack of irritation in Shigaraki's eyes as he manhandles the smaller man. "You haven't even got a fuckin' soul, have you? Toga's been cryin' her eyes out this whole time."

"I have a soul." Shigaraki scoffs. "You can't act properly in anger. We all need time to clear our heads. Chisaki was right about that."

"Do something."

"I can't right now. If we act now, mistakes will be made." Shigaraki replies calmly.

"Do. Something." Touya says through gritted teeth, glaring down at the pale-haired man. "Do something, damn it!"

Shigaraki just stares up at him, not making any effort to shake his grip off his wrist.
Touya's body begins to act for him, the reactions to what had happened and how he was feeling no longer making any sense as he kisses Shigaraki roughly. Shigaraki allows it to happen, pressing dry and brief kisses back while Touya walks him backwards until his knees hit the bed and he buckles down onto it.
Touya's immediately in his space, his knee between Shigaraki's legs as he pushes him so his back is pressed against the mattress.

"You're upset." Shigaraki says after turning his face away from Touya's next attempt at a kiss.

"Shut up." Touya hisses, pressing his lips to Shigaraki's again, trying to lick into his mouth.

Shigaraki groans a little when Touya lowers himself closer to him, his thigh rubbing into Shigaraki's crotch. The sound is a little gratifying, stirring Touya on to do it again, Shigaraki's hips bucking against him this time.
He knew Shigaraki had a point. He was upset. He shouldn't be doing this. Not with his issues already regarding intimacy. But he needed something to feel better. Anything.
Shigaraki was his choice. He kissed him and had begun trying to be intimate with him for no reason other than he actually wanted to for once. It wasn't because he owed him anything, or because he needed to to ensure he had some safety for a while, it was because Touya could for the sake of feeling good himself.

If anyone could make him feel better right now, it would be Shigaraki. Although Touya would never admit that.

Shigaraki doesn't battle him when he pushes him higher up the bed so he can hover over him more comfortably. He doesn't sneer or bat his hands away when Touya pulls at his shirt until it's off his top half, revealing his slender, scarred frame once more.
The only time Shigaraki stops him is when Touya begins kissing lower to the waistband of his pants, three fingers tightening in his hair and pulling his head up.

"I don't want this if you're not thinking clearly." Shigaraki says evenly, despite his pupils being blown and his cracked and scarred lips swollen from Touya's kisses.

"Quit fuckin' nagging me. I'm an adult." Touya snaps.

Shigaraki raises a wrinkled brow, but releases Touya's hair, Touya immediately moving to unbutton his pants and pull them down before he can stop him again. He practically tears Shigaraki's boxers down his legs, revealing Shigaraki's entirely bare body to him. He lunges forward to take Shigaraki's engorged clit into his mouth, giving a harsh suck to it and making Shigaraki's back arch, resulting in his cunt being ground against Touya's tongue.
Deadly fingers curl into Touya's hair again, Shigaraki's breath noticeably getting heavier as Touya continues to suckle at and flick his tongue against Shigaraki's clit.
With practiced ease, he manages to have Shigaraki coming around his fingers and from his tongue within no time at all really.

Touya wasn't an idiot. He knew Shigaraki was a virgin, and that he should probably at least try to get another orgasm out of him before going as far as he wanted to, but he wasn't too well versed on how much stimulation a t-dick could take before it began to hurt. He didn't want to hurt him. He wanted him to feel good, too.
He scrambles to remove his shirt and unbutton his pants while Shigaraki's still panting underneath him.

"Dabi..." Shigaraki begins to warn, but doesn't stop Touya from kissing him as he works his hand up and down his throbbing cock.

"Need more." Touya whispers against cracked lips. "Need this."

"You're not thinking straight." Shigaraki responds, but there's no venom in his tone, just a slight tinge of concern.

"Duh." Touya murmurs, trying to make a dumb joke to deflect from the fact that yeah, he wasn't in a good headspace, but he did want this.

Shigaraki's face tells him everything he needs to know about how the joke landed, the expression not changing even when Touya leans over him again, his cock pressing against Shigaraki's and Touya's lips pressing against his scarred neck.

"Need you, boss." Touya admits reluctantly against his neck, hiding his face there so that Shigaraki can't see the embarrassment of him actually admitting how he feels.

There's a short pause between them as Touya remains hidden against Shigaraki's neck, his hand trailing up and down Tomura's cool side.

"...You're sure about this?" He asks after a while.

"Yeah." Touya responds, squeezing Tomura's waist.

"Fine." Tomura says, tugging on Touya's hair once more, slamming his cracked lips against Touyas as soon as he can.

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