Thinking Space

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Touya goes to his secret place, the place he'd found completely by accident one of the days, but it was perfect for being around if anyone needed him, while also being out of sight of everyone so that he can just have some time to himself.
He sits on the flat roof on the second floor of the hotel, smoking and looking over the courtyard, thinking on how much of a fucking embarrassment he is.
Would rather make himself feel dirty, to belittle himself as a person entirely than just ask Shigaraki to use some of their remaining funds to keep him in one piece.

He's deep in thought about how royally fucked he is, because Shigaraki made his displeasure at what Touya had done known, even without Touya outright admitting to it.
And as much as he denied it, he did like Shigaraki more than just a hook-up. He didn't like disappointing people in power, thanks to pops, which added another fucked up twist to this whole situation. And Shigaraki looked at him, recognised his own strengths and respected him in return.
And now he might not have it. All because of his fucked-up body and his pride getting in the way.

He's not too in his own head to not hear small footsteps heading towards him, though. Annoying, figures Toga had come back for something and had somehow figured out where he was from that sharp nose of hers.

"Go away." He says blandly, continuing to look over the courtyard below, watching Spinner doing sit-ups on his own, completely focused and unaware of Touya on the roof.

The footsteps pause but pick back up again, and he rolls his eyes. Of course.

"Can you heat my hot water bottle up again?" Star asks quietly from behind him, making him startle.

He spins his head around to stare wide-eyed at Star, flicking his cigarette to the ground below, apparently somehow hitting Spinner with it from the 'ow!' he hears. He peers over the edge of the roof to see Spinner brushing the ash off of his bare scales on his arm in confusion. Touya lets out one 'heh' before turning his attention back to the little girl.

"Star, get back inside. It's dangerous out here." He says.

"But you're okay, and you're bigger than me." She argues.

Touya can't really argue that one, so he sighs and looks away again. "Be careful, then."

She continues walking towards him slowly, sitting beside him and moving to drape her legs over the side too. Touya stops her though, swinging his arm out to encourage her backwards.

"Sit properly on the roof." He instructs. "Ain't tryna scrape you off the pavement."

Maybe a bit morbid when talking to a child, but she's obedient, moving back and sitting cross legged, passing him her hot water bottle.
He takes it, pressing it to his own stomach and raising his temperature up slowly to slow-boil the water inside again. They both watch over the courtyard silently for a while as he heats up the bottle.

"I missed you." She says after a while.

Touya gives an amused huff. "Yeah. Missed ya too, kid."

"Your new staples are shiny." She says.

Touya's hit with a pang of guilt again, and just like most other uncomfortable feelings he's been through in life, he laughs through it.

"Yeah." He agrees.

"The sun shines off them pretty." She comments.

Touya rolls his eyes, smirking a little. She sounds like some kind of magpie.

"Like Spinner's scales?" He asks her in return, smirking at her teasingly.

She whines the word 'stop' at him, immediately getting all embarrassed, and he chuckles at the reaction. The brief relief of guilt doesn't last long though as he looks away and his lips begin to fall downward once more.

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