Not Tonight

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Touya slides away from Star on the bed as slowly as humanly possible as to not wake her. He sneaks out of the room quietly, like he had so many times before, and heads for Shigaraki's room.

Apparently, Shigaraki had heard him approaching, as he silently opens the door for him before he can even knock and then sits back down in his office chair.

Touya blinks, but tries to match the vibe of the atmosphere he was walking into, shoving his hands into his sweatpant pockets and slinking into the room properly, closing the door with his foot slowly behind him.

"What do you want, Dabi?" Shigaraki asks.

"Pretty obvious, ain't it?" Touya responds, sitting on the edge of Shigaraki's bed as red eyes trace his movements.

Shigaraki is quiet for a while, and then says: "Not tonight."

And then spins so his back is facing Touya, returning his attention back to that stupid handheld console.

"Whaddaya mean 'not tonight'?" Touya asks, frowning.

"No offence, but I don't exactly know where you've been." Tomura replies evenly without turning around. "I'd prefer it if you got tested first."

Touya blinks.
That wasn't a resounding no, just a 'maybe once I know you're clean', which was way better than he thought he'd get, offensive or not.

"Bit late to worry about that now, isn't it, boss?." Touya quips. "How'm I meant to know you're clean?"

Shigaraki tilts his head slightly, still not turning to face him. "I can get tested too if you'd like."

Touya scoffs. "You're joking, right?"

After all, Touya had taken his virginity. Unless he miraculously had found someone else to shack up with, it wasn't like he had anything to worry about.
Shigaraki finally turns around with a facial expression that tells Touya he wasn't joking.

"You know that diseases can be transferred through other bodily fluids... right?" He asks in a way that Touya doesn't care for.

"I'm not a fuckin' idiot, boss." Touya snaps defensively.

Shigaraki raises a wrinkled brow, but is either smart or unbothered enough to drop the percieved smarminess.

"Anyway, that's not why I'm here." Touya continues irritably.

Assuming he only bothered with the other man for sex had left a bad taste in Touya's mouth, truth be told.

"Why are you here then, Dabi?" Shigaraki asks, turning around again.

"To talk about it, obviously." Touya replies.

He's losing his faux nonchalance, confidence and his temper with how ignorant Shigaraki was behaving.
Shigaraki sighs, and then with a few button presses, he sets the console back down on his desk and turns to face Touya once more, slouching back in his seat.

He looks stoic, completely unphased, and Touya doesn't trust it.

"What is there to say? You avoided asking for help, and put yourself at risk instead." Tomura responds evenly. "Luckily you got back in one piece."

"You..." Touya begins, stops, and then starts again. "You're not mad at me?"

"Not mad." Shigaraki says, shrugging slightly. "Frustrated. I'm frustrated that you'd rather do something you clearly didn't want to do instead of asking for the money you needed for the procedures from me."

Touya opens his mouth, but Shigaraki holds his hand up to silently demand him to be quiet, and Touya obeys.

"I've always tried to make sure that you all have what you need. My aim is a future that you all want, too. I would have helped you if you'd just asked." Shigaraki continues. "But no matter, it's done now. Next time I'd prefer you just asked. If sex work is something you're actually interested in as a side gig, that's fine, but make sure you're being safe, please. You're my best game piece."

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