Denial, Denial, Denial

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Touya never ever caught feelings.

And sure, a lot of it was because he'd never been in a situation where that was even a possibility, but he hadn't wanted anything to slow down his efforts on achieving his goals, either.
And then he stumbled across Star dumpster diving.
And then Giran had hooked him up with the vanguard gig with Shigaraki.

And after weeks of tension between him and his socially inept boss, he'd kissed Shigaraki.

And then, slowly but surely, as the make-out sessions they shared got more heated and more intimate, so did the feelings Touya harbored towards his superior.

He hated it. It was a weakness, something that would make him want to drag out the inevitable just like holding onto Star had.
But he just couldn't stop himself.

And that's how he ended up continuously sneaking to Shigaraki's room at night once Star fell asleep.
He'd go in, jerk his boss off, get jerked off or have Shigaraki's dry mouth around his cock, and then leave before he could melt into a puddle on Shigaraki's bed and say something stupid.
But it was getting monotonous. Touya wasn't used to having to wait for the whole sex part. In fact, he was used to just getting to the point, whether he was ready for it or not.

And so, tonight, he'd opened the door casually to Shigaraki's room with one goal in mind.

And that was to do something more with the pale-haired man.

The second he walks in without knocking, Shigaraki side-eyes him, exhaling through his nose as though Touya's presence is an annoyance for him.

"Come on in, Dabi." He says dryly, removing his headphones.

"That an invite?" Touya smirks, sitting on the edge of Shigaraki's bed.

Shigaraki just clicks his tongue in annoyance. "What do you want this time?"

"I wanna suck your dick."

Shigaraki's brow immediately furrows, deepening the already existing wrinkles around his eyes.

"What?" He practically hisses.

"You heard me." Touya says, his eyes moving to the pillows.

Kinda wanted to see if he could make Shigaraki lose control enough tonight to dust something. That'd make Touya feel pretty good. Especially when Shigaraki's head had Touya singing the boss' bed sheets more than once or twice.

"C'mere." Touya encourages after being glared at by crimson eyes for one second too many.

"Are you stunted?" Shigaraki hisses angrily.

"Come here an' find out." Touya retorts, his own gaze the complete opposite of the warm anger from Shigaraki's.

Shigaraki continues to glare at him from the office chair, so Touya shrugs, hauling himself off the bed to close the distance between them himself, his lips meeting Shigaraki's roughly.
Surprisingly he's not forced away, but he can still feel his eyes piercing into him even with his closed.
Touya slides his tongue against Shigaraki's with practiced ease, his hands going to the hems of Shigaraki's shirt, pulling the material over his head and revealing the slighter man's torso fully for the first time.

And man, he really is thin. Less so than when Star managed to grab him at the bar, but a few ribs and his sternum are still visible under his pale skin.
Touya makes an effort not to glance for too long at the scars on each side of his chest, getting the feeling he was on thin ice as it was.
He runs his tongue up Shigaraki's neck as one of his hands rests on the other man's side and the other places itself so he can run a thumb over Shigaraki's nipple.

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