Morning After

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"This might hurt." He warns his boss against his broken, jagged lips, only to receive a dead stare in return from him.

After all, the scars littered all over his body told Touya that Shigaraki wasn't a stranger to pain. Just like Touya himself.

So Touya doesn't warn him again after that. Just settles for keeping his eyes on his face as he lines himself up with his entrance and slowly begins to push into the man below him. Even that was more care than what Touya got on his first time.

Shigaraki, ever the hardass, only pulls his upper lip upwards on the scarred side slightly in discomfort, his eyes rolling to the side momentarily, but makes no other sounds of displeasure and doesn't pull any expressions that would indicate him being in pain, his hands gripping onto Touya's waist carefully.
Touya finds himself pressing soft kisses to his bosses face, treating him how he wished he'd been treated all the times he'd been under someone else. Shigaraki doesn't complain about the soft touches though, tilting his head back obediently when Touya's lips trail to his neck, and keeping it there when Touya gives a shaky breath against the scarred skin there when he finally bottoms out.

He presses his forehead against Shigaraki's cool skin as he tries to collect himself, giving Shigaraki some time to adjust to the feeling of Touya inside of him.

"I have a question."

"Huh?" Touya asks, lifting his head to look down at Shigaraki again, with a confused frown tugging his eyebrows together. He'd never been asked a question while inside someone else before.

"What happens if one of your piercings comes out?" He asks, deadly serious, his crimson eyes on Touya's as though he wasn't balls deep inside of him currently.

Touya stares at him silently for a moment, before a smile cracks his patchworked face open despite himself.

"Ain't gonna happen, boss. Ain't happened yet."

"But if it does?" Shigaraki counters.

"We'll fish it out. Duh." Touya chuckles.

Shigaraki doesn't look impressed, however, and Touya rolls his eyes, pressing what he hopes is a reassuring kiss to his partner's mouth.

"They ain't just gonna rip out that easy." Touya reassures. "The only issue would be the balls on 'em, and they're screwed on super tight."

Shigaraki hums, his fingers digging into Touya's waist once more, more pointedly. "Move, then."

And who was Touya to refuse an order from his boss?


He wakes up curled around something cool against his burning-hot skin. Still sleepy and a little disjointed from reality, he nuzzles closer to the firm coldness he's pressed up against. It's so relieving to have something cold against the skin that's always so uncomfortable that he can't help himself from indulging just a little before he has to wake up properly and face the pain he has daily.
He can feel that Shigaraki is awake, likely only enduring the hold Touya has on him rather than actually enjoying it. His shoulder blade keeps jutting out slightly as he scrolls through his phone, grazing over Touya's nose each time.
He probably didn't get much sleep last night. Likely a combination of what had happened to Magne, Touya deciding that his grief needed to be dealt with by distracting himself with sex, and probably thanks to Touya's sleep talking and warmth.
Plus, the pale, thin man never seemed to sleep well anyway.

Touya's glad that Shigaraki didn't sleep with a shirt on, thrilled to have a decent amount of exposed skin to press his scarred and metal-laden face against.
It wasn't often Touya got to hang around after his sexual escapades, not that he ever really wanted to, and he wasn't really expecting Shigaraki to be the type that enjoyed having someone hanging off him like Touya was hanging off him right now.
But Touya enjoyed cuddles more than he'd ever admit. He hadn't really received much physical affection while growing up, taught only the feeling of crueltyand pain, which had caused him to be more touch-starved than he cared to admit as an adult.

If he were to believe everything he'd read and watched the rare time he had access to a TV during his years of homelessness, the 'aftercare' after sex was meant to be just as enjoyable as the act itself.
And the night before had felt good for Touya, hissed curses and groans leaving him, fanning over the skin of Shigaraki's neck, but Shigaraki, ever the one to be brutally honest, had told him it was just uncomfortable the entire time.
A bit of a hit to the ego, considering he'd never had complaints before, but he'd also never had a virgin before, and so he just had to hope that explaining to Shigaraki that it would be better the more they did it would suffice for now.
The fact he hadn't been kicked out of his room tells him that he might have actually listened.

"What're you doin', boss?" Touya asks the second he's awake enough to hold a conversation.

"Making a list of Chisaki's men." Shigaraki replies matter-of-factly.

"S' early for work stuff." Touya replies, peering over Shigaraki's shoulder to spot him on some kind of formal-looking website, tapping and swiping madly on the screen like a man on a mission.

"You told me to do something. So I am." He responds dryly.

Touya huffs in faux amusement, pressing his face into Shigaraki's bare shoulder, fearful of being too affectionate now that Shigarakis aware he's completely awake, and then peels himself away from the soothing coldness of Shigaraki's body.

"Where are you going?" The pale-haired man asks, looking over his shoulder at Touya as he stretches out the scarred skin carefully, not wanting to end up locking up because he hasn't stretched right.

"Gotta go an' get Star." Touya replies coolly.

"Aren't we going to try again?" Shigaraki asks, and Touya can hear the frown in his voice.

At least he hadn't done a horrific job then, seeing as he wanted to try again so soon after.

"Naw, boss. You're probably a bit sore, right?" Touya says, turning his head to meet Shigaraki's gaze. "S' my bad for not makin' it a little easier for you. I'll look into it an' make sure next time's better."

"It wasn't bad." Shigaraki replies, still scowling.

"Well, good." Touya says, standing and plucking his shirt from the floor.

"...You don't have to keep calling me 'boss'."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll keep it in mind." Touya replies, the urge to lean over and give the man a kiss on the head souring his mood.

That was something couples did. They were not a couple. Just two idiots fooling around.

"What are you going to tell her?" Shigaraki asks, his voice slow as if he's suspicious instead of curious.

"That she got sick suddenly an' died." Touya shrugs. "Ain't got much else. Got on too well with the others to have jus' left. Star ain't gonna fall for that."

"You should mix some truth in there. Make it easier for her when she eventually finds out what we are." Shigaraki advises. "Say she got hit with a quirk while she was out with the others, that it made her get sick very quickly and we couldn't do anything to help her, so she died."

Touya pauses with his hand on the door handle, thinking about what Shigaraki said.
'When she eventually finds out what we are.'
Touya didn't want that to happen, as much as he knew that they were on the right side of the fight. Star was too young, too naive, even toddlers knew that the word 'villain' was never a good one.
But Shigaraki was right. He couldn't keep it a secret forever, as much as he'd like to. And telling her the truth as gently as he could was probably a smart idea.

"This is why you're the boss, Shig." Touya smirks, before leaving, feeling his lover's eyes burning into his back.

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