Chapter 2:The Mistake

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The next day, early in the morning, Ghost and Price sat at the table, drinking whiskey. Price asked curiously, "What do you think of her?"

Ghost replied seriously, "She's crazy."

Price chuckled, but then became serious again. "Given what she's been through, that's understandable."

Ghost let out a scoff, playing with his pen, as he reflected on the incident at the shooting range the day before. Was it his fault?

Soap and Gaz entered the room. Price asked them what they thought of her as well.

Soap said, "She seems likable."

Ghost gave Soap the most perplexed look he could muster. "If she's likable, then I don't know what to say."
Gaz chimed in, "She's alright, but what matters are her skills."

Price nodded in agreement. "We should see how she performs during training."

After an hour, Price called Yn to the training room. He conducted various fitness tests, which Yn breezed through effortlessly. At the shooting range, she excelled. Price remarked to Yn, "You did quite well, I must say."

Yn nodded in gratitude, while the others watched.

Ghost hadn't expected her to excel in these tasks.

In the cafeteria, Ghost, Soap, and Gaz sat at one table, while many other soldiers occupied another. When Yn entered the room, a soldier accidentally threw a pea at her.
Normally, Yn had never abused her rank, but this time was different. She was still in a bad mood and quick to anger.

She commanded through the room, "Attention, soldier!"

The soldier saluted and apologized.

Ghost spoke from behind, "Easy there."

As a lieutenant and with Yn being a sergeant, she was supposed to follow his command. However, she curtly retorted, "If I'm disciplining someone, Ghost, you have no business interfering."

Ghost coldly responded, "First and foremost, watch your tone when speaking to someone of higher rank. And secondly, I think I should discipline you."

Tension filled the air in the room. Soap and Gaz looked at the two as if a war was about to break out.

Yn retorted, "Oh really? Then let's see what you're made of, Mister Smartass."

That was the moment when Ghost stood up and approached Yn.  Yn threw a powerful punch towards Ghost's face, but he dodged it gracefully and retaliated with a swift kick to her side. Yn blocked the kick, but Ghost used her momentary distraction to sweep her legs from under her. She landed on the table with a loud crash, momentarily stunned.

Taking advantage of the opening, Ghost aimed a punch at Yn's face, but she managed to deflect it and counter with an elbow strike. The blow landed solidly on Ghost's chest, causing him to stagger backward. Infuriated, Ghost swung a roundhouse kick, which Yn narrowly avoided by ducking.

Yn launched a series of rapid strikes, each one met with equal precision by Ghost. The clash of their skills echoed through the room as they continued their intense fight.Despite her determination, Yn was beginning to tire, and Ghost seemed to notice. He pressed the advantage, landing a swift combination of punches and kicks. Yn blocked as best as she could, but the blows were taking their toll.

Just when it seemed Ghost had the upper hand, Yn summoned a burst of adrenaline, catching Ghost off guard with a spinning backfist that struck him on the side of his head. He stumbled, but quickly regained his footing.

The room was filled with the sound of their rapid breaths and the thud of their strikes. Neither was willing to back down, their rivalry fueled by pride and a need to prove themselves. As they prepared for another round of combat, Soap and Gaz rushed in to intervene, finally breaking up the intense confrontation.

Ghost yelling at Yn " Fucking Hell Yn enough !"

I simply looked at him walked away with a grin on my face.

The room fell silent as Yn walked away, blood dripping from her face, and Ghost, his breath heavy, stayed put. The soldiers who witnessed the spectacle exchanged shocked glances, unsure of what they had just witnessed.

After the incident:

Yn went to the graves of her fallen comrades and sat there. From the HQ, one could see the graves, and Ghost stood at the window of his room, observing as she made her way there and sat down. He also noticed her injured side, and saw her weeping bitterly. Ghost rubbed his face with his hands, feeling a growing sense of guilt. He made the decision to go to her, to finally address the situation.

He grabbed his jacket and a few tissues, and approached her. Getting closer, he took out a tissue and offered it to Yn. She looked exhausted, but still accepted the tissue and thanked him in a tearful tone.

Ghost then crouched down beside her and spoke in a calm voice, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, and I should have shown more understanding."

Yn looked at him, almost stunned. He gently placed his hand on her head, pressing it softly against his chest.From that moment, Yn couldn't hold back her tears. They stayed like that for a while, until he whispered into her ear, "Don't worry, we will get our revenge."

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