Chapter 33: The Farewell

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I was in the Ghosts' base, standing in my room. I hadn't been introduced to the team yet as they were out on a mission. Today was the day, the day of farewell, the parade. I put on my military uniform and Ghost's mask. My eyes were glassy, but I saved my tears for later.

I took one last look in the mirror, wearing the military attire, and walked out. Keegan and König were outside, dressed in uniform and masks too. I asked, puzzled, "You guys too?"

Both nodded, and Keegan said in a sympathetic tone, "We won't leave anyone alone."

I smiled and replied, "Thank you."

Both nodded, and we headed out. We got into the military vehicle and drove to the farewell ceremony. It took place on a long stretch of highway. I had no idea what they had planned for the event.

The drive was silent, and I gazed out the window until we arrived. Keegan and König got out, and König opened the door for me, gesturing for me to get out. I took his hand, and he helped me out.

More than half of the soldiers were standing in formation along with other personnel-firefighters, police officers, FBI agents, CIA representatives, and even members of the media. My mouth dropped beneath the mask, and I turned to König, asking, "What the hell?"

He smiled and said, "You deserve this."

I bit my lip as tears welled up. We stepped aside, and Laswell stood at the other end, signaling the start of the ceremony.

The farewell ceremony began. König stepped up to the podium and spoke into the microphone loudly and clearly, "Today's farewell ceremony is a tribute and honor to the present soldiers and for the future. What this task force has achieved, no other has before. They died for their country! Captain Price, Sergeant MacTavish, Sergeant Garrick, Lieutenant Riley, and Sergeant Yn. We will never forget your heroic deeds."

König turned to face the soldiers standing in formation and commanded, "Salute!"

The soldiers stood rigidly and saluted towards where our pictures hung on a carriage. They marched forward.

Tears streamed down my face at the sight, and I had to lean on Keegan for support.

Next, five fighter jets appeared, painting the sky with colors that symbolized us. They flew away from each other in the sky, leaving trails of vibrant hues.

Overwhelmed, I fell to my knees, feeling weak and crying uncontrollably.

Keegan knelt beside me and comforted, "It'll be alright."

After an hour, the ceremony came to an end, and we drove back. The graves had already been prepared at the Veteran Cemetery, which was specifically set up for us.

I approached the graves with four flowers and a bar of chocolate. I placed the flowers at the graves of Price, Gaz, Ghost, and myself, and I left the chocolate by Soap's grave.

I sat down on the cold ground and gazed at the graves. They were gone, forever. I sat in front of Ghost's grave, my hands resting in my lap. I removed my mask, and my hair fell down my back.

As I held onto his grave, I took out the chain with the ring and gazed at it while tears streamed down my face. "You jerk, you said you'd stay with me forever!"

No response came, and that only added to the pain. The loss had somehow consumed me from within, and it was unbearable.

I continued speaking in a tearful voice, "When you died, a part of me died too, Ghost."

My emotions were overwhelming, and I felt a mix of anger, sadness, and longing. I tried to compose myself, but the pain was too intense. Memories of our time together flooded my mind, each one making it harder to accept that he was gone.

I said in a soft tone
" Ghost I promise you when death takes my hand I will hold you with the other and promise to find you in every lifetime "

I walked into Ghost's base, returning to the familiar surroundings of the meeting room. Keegan was sitting there, waiting for me, and said, "Welcome back."

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