Chapter 23 Mission Black Cobra (2)

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We ran towards Price's position, but the sound of gunfire intensified as we approached. A stray bullet whizzed past me, hitting my comrade next to me. He fell to the ground, lifeless. I shouted to my group, "Sniper down!"

We took cover behind the ruined buildings, seeking shelter from the relentless assault. I immediately contacted our snipers on the other side. "Sniper 1, do you read?" I asked.

Sniper 1 responded, "Yes, ma'am."

I relayed the information, "Eastern building, top floor, take out the sniper!"

"Roger," Sniper 1 acknowledged.

Within moments, a single gunshot rang out, and Sniper 1 confirmed, "The path is clear."

I replied, "Copy," and we continued our advance. As we moved forward, an enemy vehicle approached us. I quickly grabbed a grenade, counting down in my head. Five seconds was all I had to act. I threw the grenade at the vehicle, warning my team, "Grenade out!"

I rolled to the side to avoid the explosion as the enemy vehicle burst into flames. I yelled, "Keep going!"

My men followed my lead, and we pressed on despite the relentless gunfire from the enemy. Price's voice came over the radio, demanding to know our whereabouts. I responded, "Almost there, dealing with the rats here."

We continued our relentless push forward, returning fire at the enemy who seemed to be everywhere. The firefight was intense, and my men fought bravely. We took down enemy after enemy, slowly gaining ground towards Price's location.

I looked at Soap, his wounded arms causing concern. I called out to him, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, quickly taking cover as another shot rang out. I turned to Price, questioning, "Are you sure Makarov is inside?"

Price replied with a hint of uncertainty, "I'm not certain, but his men are likely concentrated here."

I voiced my worries, "What if this is just another one of his distractions?"

Price's expression reflected a sense of desperation, "We have to hope for the best."

Surveying the enemy positions, I quickly made a decision. I radioed the snipers, "Take down any targets you see on the east-west buildings!"

Both snipers acknowledged, "Roger."

The snipers didn't waste time, and soon six of Makarov's men were eliminated from their positions.

Six of the enemy were left, and Price called out to them, "Surrender, or face the consequences!"

The remaining men hesitated before stepping out with their arms raised in surrender.

Price ordered his team, "Take them into custody."

His team swiftly complied, securing the surrendering men.

Price turned to me, "I'm going with Rudolfo and a few others to clear the other building."

I cautioned him, "Be careful."

We exchanged a fist bump, and I went to tend to Soap's injuries. I retrieved bandages and an adrenaline syringe, saying, "Relax, this will help."

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