Chapter 3- Mistake

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Y/n opens her eyes due to the loud noise of a phone ring.

Ahhh....Who the hell is disturbing me early.....

She flickers open her eyes and checks her phone.

It's not coming from here.... then.....oh..... so it is H/n's phone.....

She receives the call.


"You both are called right now for the shoot." The director commands.

"Ok.....we will be there in 10 minutes" Y/n answers politely.

She quickly changed while trying to get H/n out of his sweet dream world.

This guy isnt even responsible. I have an idea....I don't even have to spend much time on it....... he is going to learn I'm good at getting revenge .

" Ahhhhhh!!!!" H/n hisses loudly.

Y/n started laughing her a** off watching his poor condition after throwing a bucket of cold water on him. H/n stands up looking at his wet night suit.

"Are you even made to be in this world? What are you doing? Are you planning to kill me in this room? Keep in mind-"

"Stop. We have to go to the ground floor. The director kept calling you but you were in your so- called dreams that you forgot that you have work to do. Also I talked with him by using your phone........You still using the same password?....."

"Don't you dare tell me that you went through all my apps and messages"

"I can't promise"

"Give me my phone"

"Here it is"

"Oops... not there..... here.....caaaaaaatch!!!"

Y/n tosses his phone from one hand to the other accidently throwing it out of the window. She froze and looks up to face H/n excepting to be get a hard slap only to find him staring at the window.

"Whyyyyyy * his eyes teared up*...... Why are you doing this to me..... STOP IT Y/N....... Why are you taking away all of my happiness..... You first took the life of my sister and now....*sobs* y- you took aw-away the la-last memo- memory of my parents......I HA- HATE YOU * he shouted devastated.

H/n felt dizzy and collapsed on the floor with a thud.

"I'm so slipped off my hand.........I-....Heyyyyyy....What happened to you........Anyone there?....please help!"

Y/n screams for help while dragging him towards the bed.. she called a doctor right away.

15 minutes.....15 minutes she held him near herself constantly thinking about the words which he said. She was worried and tears started flowing out from her eyes..

Please.....I beg you.... wake up... don't just lay here like that.....respond please..... I'm sorry......I apologize for everything I have ever done to you..... but please wake up..... Don't leave me again.....*cries hard*

"What happened? Is he okay?" The director says knocking on the door.

Y/n flinches and gets up to unlock the door letting the director and the doctor to come in. The doctor then proceeds to check H/n.

"What happened doctor? Tell me please....Please doctor" Y/n begs.

"Seems like he fainted....the back of his head is bleeding and it's swollen. It will take 2 hours for him to gain consciousness. Till then keep an eye on his temperature." The doctor says

TRUST- A GAME CHANGEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora