Chapter 7- Chocolate

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《Flashback continues》

"No!" She says confidently.

"You have no choice." The masked man states while smirking.

"Leave me alone or you will have to face my dark side." She says warning them while looking for a way to escape, later glaring at him.

"Do you want us to tell your parents that their sexy hot daughter is drinking and grinding on a man in a party."

"Why are you so full of yourself when you don't even have the proof. How are you going to tell them."

"See this sexy." He puts his hand in his pocket and draws something out slowly.

The masked man shows her a couple of pics in his phone.

"Did you morph my photos?" She stared at the photos with dark eyes.

"What else do you see baby girl."

"Stop calling me that you bastard!" She punches her hand in to a fist.

"Aww... my sexy is angry. Come to daddy and-"

A punch was thrown by her directly on his face which led the anger of the man to rise up.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. You don't have any right on me. You are not my boyfriend nor my husband. You don't know me and I don't know you. I already have my eyes on someone else. I am giving you a chance. Better get out from here before I do something."

"You have the guts to break my nose!"

"Take her and force her to lie down. And then tie her up with ropes." He says to the black men.

You chuckle maniacally.

"Oh really........byeeee......."

The first black man comes to grab her shoulders as she tries to run away while another comes to shut her mouth. She bends down and pokes her nails in the groin of the third guy. The fourth and the fifth hold her shoulders and grab her neck, and that's when a girl comes in the washroom.


"Stupid..... you forgot to lock the door." The leader of the black men whispers to them.

"Am i seeing things? I should just go and use the washroom later."

"Run right now." One of the black man commands.

"Nope. No way. You all can't go" The masked guy yells.

"We will and we do have the right to do so. We don't work with bad people. You lied to us about your identify. You told us you work under Mr. Stephen. We were dumb to trust you. You asked us to come and we followed your orders so you owe us the decided amount. If you try to run way, I'll make sure to bind you to the Earth in your own grave." The leader of the group snapped.

Meanwhile Y/n takes the situation as her bright chance to escape.

"Wait-" H/n shouts as they jump out of the window one by one.

As he tried to follow Y/n he heard footsteps of someone coming towards the washroom which forced him to jump out of the window.

" Do you see people here? I was here just two minutes ago and I saw a lot of men and heard someone screaming my name" Rose said while stepping in the washroom with her big muscled friends.

"Stop kidding Rose. We are attending your birthday party. We all are your friends but that doesn't mean you can prank us. Come on let's go. The game of truth and dare will start in few minutes."

"I-" She shuts up when sees them leaving.

Rose rolled her eyes while going out. She wanted to be with her lovely boyfriend and hug him tight blabbering about how she was seeing things. He was nowhere to be found. She looked for him and gave up after five minutes.

"Come on Rose. It's your day. Spend some time with your brother than your boyfriend. Sit beside me." H/n asked Rose to join him. He looks here and there to find a specific person.

"Y/n!" He exclaimed and ran towards her when he saw a teary Y/n coming towards him.

"Nothing." She said avoiding his eyes.

"I don't believe that." He says firmly.

"It's nothing. I-"

"Do you wanna have some alone time?"

"No. I appreciate your concern but can we all just join the game?"

"Oh, we will do just as you please, but are you sure about that?"

"Do you care about me?" Y/n asked trying to change the subject.


"Why?" She questioned.

I-......why? Are you curious about me being worried about you?




"Can I tell you something?"


"You are looking drop-dead gorgeous tonight."

Y/n froze at the sudden compliment. Never in her life she dreamed that one day her love will compliment her.

"Are you OK?" H/n asked her when he found her not responding.

"Yes, I am." Y/n says keeping her hand on his shoulder hesitantly.

"Then let's not wait anymore." H/n says holding her hand while glancing at her shy blushy face  and guiding her to the people who were sitting in a circle. He smiled when she holded his hand tighter and sat down with her.

"Thank you." She mumbles staring at her lap while playing with her fingers.

"Welcome. My best friend." Y/n gently whispers in her ear.

"Am I your best friend?"

"Yes you are."


"Because I like you."


"A-as a friend."

"Hmm. Ok."

"Don't feel sad. I mean....."

"I understand. No need to explain."

"I am sorry. I'll make it up to you."

"You don't have to."


Let's spin the bottle!" A person spoke excited.

Soon the game started and the youth got excited. The truths turned out to be embarrassing for some people while for the others, it became a severe disaster. Some confessed to each other while others had hot kisses as dares. The dares flowed from going into the washroom and licking the floor to spending seven minutes in heaven with their crush. Fair enough like others, the bottle soon landed on Y/n as she gasped watching the bottle stop spinning.

"Y/n, I dare you to put melted chocolate on H/n's neck and lick it clean with your tongue."


Hello... hope you all are happy. 😊
Take care of yourself. 💘💘

I wanna ask you all something. 😑

What is the nationality of you people?🤔🤔

Well... that's it.... 😁

Good night lovely readers. 😊 ♥️

TRUST- A GAME CHANGERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon