Chapter 17- Reality

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"Are you sleepy love?" H/n sits beside her.

"No...I don't want to....I'll probably just think if I lay down now."

"About what?"


"Oh....well then do you want me to tire you so that you can sleep?"


" cute my baby, my moon, my life is so incomplete without you....."

H/n then hovers above her placing a kiss on her forehead and cheeks before laying down by her side.

"H/n....I wanna ask you a thing.." Y/n asks after a while...

"Yes, my love....ask me anything and I will search the universe to get the answers..."

"He he he he he....thank you so much love but you don't need that for answering this question...."

"Ask me love....."

"How come you started to love me in just a hated me right...then why do you love me now..."

"It's a long story.....I'll tell you now.....just keep a little patience love......I am going to explain everything right now..... don't leave love...."

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you."

"It depends on the explanation..."

"Ok's your call my love.."

"I first saw you in the second year of the university. I was attracted to you as soon as I lend my eyes on you. I thought it was just mere a crush but I became sure when my heart begged me to court you. My heart having a feel of love for you was desperate to meet you. It was craving for your attention. I decided to seek help from Rose. I got to know that you were her bestfriend. And considering the fact that you were her bestfriend helped me to have small talks with you. You made me crazy for you when our hands accidentally touched each other's when you were lending me that book. I thought that I won't meet you again but my hopes went up high when I saw Rose inviting her friends for her birthday party. I took that as a awesome advantage to get a chance to talk to you about the party. As decided as I went up to you and told you that Rose sent me to invite you. To cover up the lie and to cool the situation down I asked Rose to tell you that she was not feeling much well and hence asked me to invite her friends. Followed by that Rose told me that you won't be able to come due to your parents. Rose asked me to go to your house and pick you up at night before 12. I had a slight hope that you might like me when I asked you to hold me tighter. The way you blushed and shuttered and holded me tighter had me feeling butterflies all over in me stomach. I still remember the light blue dress which you wore that day to the birthday party. The moment I saw you there froze me from head to toe that I couldn't take my eyes off you. You were so gorgeous and pretty and beautiful and sexy and hot and what not. I was drunk that night without even sipping a single drop of alcohol. Then the worst but the absolute best part of my life came with you licking the chocolate off my neck a little by little which made it impossible for me to not moan and groan with pleasure. Then when I came home I went to bed and then I heart loud knocking.... well banging on my door. I saw Liam holding Rose in his arms indicating that she was dead. I remember that I collapsed due to that tremendous pain and pure shock before walking up at the hospital. Liam told me that you were in love with him and wanted to be in a relationship with him and for that you pushed Rose near a speedy car which was on the highway. I then developed an immense amount of hate for you and then wanted to kill you so bad. But then I couldn't because I was so in love with you. I knew that whatever things I was doing back then were stupid but I couldn't get you off my mind. I know I should have filed a police complaint against you. And now I met you here. I still hated you but the things took a sharp turn at yesterday's night. I got a text from Bradon. He told me that Liam was the actual murderer of Rose. He wanted to slide her off so that I can get away from you and he can claim you as his. But he didn't quite had an idea that in this process he is indirectly cheating on Rose and committing a crime. He then jumped off a high building when he came to know about his actions and realized that he had committed a sinful crime."

"Slow down...Slow down... i got it and i an not gonna leave you...shoo" Y/n said patting his back a little.

"I love you so much Y/n.."

"I love you too.. "

"So....were you jealous of Cavin?"

"I was but not now because I know that you love me and me only.

"Only you, yes love..."

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Wanna continue.."


"The task to tire you..."

"Yes please love...Take me."

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you."

"You are so cute...."

"I love you."

"I love you too..."




I know it's the end of the story but I will be coming back with new ones in the future.😔😔😔😔😔🤧🤧

Remember that stories will be posted...😁😁😁

Hope you all enjoyed this part..😆

I hope that you loved the story. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

I know it is a rushed up one but better stories will be showing up.😙😇😇😇

Comment your opinion about it..😊😊😳😳😳😳

Love you all.💗❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

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