5. Where am I?

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A few things before we start! Which are VERY important! I'm writing this to not be rude to anyone or insult anyone. I'm writing this as how I would feel if this exact thing happened to me. Please read until the end to realize what actually is happening. And not to jump to conclusions. I'm sorry again, if I insulted someone/people during this chapter. I felt like this was needed for what I wanted to do for my OC and their backstory. Thank you, enjoy this chapter.

^thinking^ "speaking" _noise_


"uhgggg" My throat is dry and hoarse. I open my eyes only to regret it. Light beaming into my pupils probably blinding me if the human eye hadn't evolved to take in light from these bright as shits. "Hello?" My voice echos. "Hello?" The hello echos again. Sighing I sit up in my bed. 

My moving and shuffling seemed to wake someone up who was next to me. ^Someone was.. Waiting for me to wait up?^ "Hmpf?" The person grumbles while waking up. I take in their features. Black hair medium length hair, black clothing, tallish figure? Maybe? Their sitting down so kind of hard to tell really. They don't look like my family members? Weird. But their face- a quirks doing? It's just- skin. No eyes, no eyebrows, mouth nose. Just- a blank sheet of skin. It's very disgusting, I feel like I need to puke.

"Buc-ket?" My voice was weak and coarse. I needed water but I needed to rid this fucking vomit before I get it on this random. The man awoke properly staring at me. 

"???" He asked?

"Ye...s?" I replied, holding a hand over my mouth to try tell this guy I'm about to vomit. AND IF YOU DON'T MOVE OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY I'M GOING TO DO IT ON YOU BUSTER! Thankfully he speedily grabs a bucket from the- toilet? And hands it to me. I quickly remove all my insides out into the bucket. I smelled and looked inside the bucket- ^Horrible decision!^ I think, vomiting again.

Once that finished, the man looked at me with a raise of eyebrows. "???"I looked at him questionably. "???" He quickly told me. ^What the hell is this guy saying? Sounds kinda like Mandarin? No, not Mandarin... Chinese? Maybe? Or Japanese? Oh god. Why do I have someone I don't know in my room. Let alone speaking a complete different language. I thought they only let family members in the room to vist?? Maybe friends??? Oh god I really should research about hospitals more...^

"Wa-t-r?" I asked terribly. He nodded and gave me a cup of water that was next to my bed on a bedside table. I took it and gulped the whole thing down. "Ahhhh. That's better." my throat wasn't as dry anymore, and I could speak properly. "Where's the toilet?" He looked at me. ^This guy seems like I committed a crime... Why so spooky bro.^ 

"???" He pointed to a door a few paces away from the bed, easy to reach in case of emergency. I quickly got out and into the bathroom and peed for what felt like a decade. I slowly came out, refreshed, clean and focused. I then looked around the room for a button. You know those buttons that call for a doctor or nurse. I was gonna get someone to remove this stranger, and to answer a few questions. I found some buttons after exploring the room for a minute or two. The guy looked at me the whole time. Not speaking a single word. ^Weirrrddd^

I pressed a button that looks like it may be used to call for someone..? Maybe?.. Hopefully it's not a 'HELP ME I'M DYING' button. Then I sat back in my bed. Waiting.

The door opened, and in came a pink haired female, wearing a lab-ish doctor coat. Their hair above their waist. Their face- it's.. Also like that mans. I looked at him again. Erhh. Their faces are just skin... What's happening to me? The women also had a nametag saying- a symbol? I rechecked the nametag. No English name? I don't want to sound rude but shouldn't they have an English name for those who can't speak English? I'm so confused.

Where Am I? Who Will I Be? MHA/BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now