Chapter 3

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Erik helps me out of the SVU as I remove my blindfold. I open my eyes to see that we are standing outside what looks like a big warehouse. I had been given instructions to put on a blindfold during the ride so I wouldn't know where we were going. I am hoping I didn't pick the wrong shoes for where I was about to walk. I had gone with heels, jeans, a floral top, and my high ponytail.

A lady walks out the door, sees me, and greets me by name. "Hi, Sylinda. My name is Amanda. I will be taking you back to where the guys are. Please follow me."

We walk inside, and it takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. The warehouse is actually a movie set. There is a large green screen with what looks like a broken bridge in front of it. I see cars flipped over and people standing around. That's when I see them, my crew all dressed in the same style suits that Hyunjin wore to my semi-finals. OMG, they are making an appearance in a movie. How exciting! Amanda takes me to one side behind the cameras. She tells me that someone will be with me shortly. I am watching what I assume is the director giving SKZ instructions on where to stand and what camera to look at. That's when I hear it.

"Well, fuck me sideways. If it isn't the DanceSport champion," a familiar voice says.

I slowly turn around, eyes wide, to see Ryan Fucking Reynolds. He's in his Deadpool costume, mask off. I am trying to figure out how to respond, when....

"Aw, Ryan, you have rendered her speechless with your ugly self." Hugh Jackman walks up with no shirt on, his hair done in the Wolverine style.

"Holy shit balls!" is the only thing I can get out. Both start laughing. "I mean, hi. Sorry, I didn't know where I was being brought let alone that I would be meeting you two."

"Naur worries Sylinda," Hugh says, putting an arm around my shoulders and walking me to where the guys are standing, stopping everything. "Hey Hyunjin, you didn't tell me your girl was this funny." Hyunjin turns around and smiles at how red my face is.

"Oh, she's the best but hands off Jackman," he says, semi-jokingly. Hugh grins and releases me. Hyunjin walks up to me and kisses me, hands around my waist. When he's thoroughly kissed me, he releases me and I am left breathing heavily. He moves to my side, but one arm is still around my waist.

"Welcome to Deadpool 3 Sylinda," Ryan says. "Your boys are doing a cameo. In this scene, I get hit over the head by a bad guy and I hallucinate that Stray Kids are walking towards me singing "Freeze." I clap my hands as that is such a Deadpool idea. I am beyond thrilled for them. This will definitely increase their fanbase.

"Okay guys, I think we are read,." the director says. "Places. Miss, you can stand by me and watch through this screen."

I give Hyunjin a kiss and stand next to the director. Smoke starts billowing from under the cars. Through the screen I see the sky, water, and further smoke on the green screen. Ryan sits up against a car, holding his head. Hugh is on top of another car fighting a guy. Freeze starts midway through Felix's part. SKZ walks in a triangle formation towards Ryan and all of them look smoking hot. Hugh kills the bad guy and jumps down to check on Ryan. Ryan is staring ahead and starts to sing with the group, bouncing his head and feet, conducting with his hands. Hugh looks up and says "Hiiiii Felix" while waving. Then shakes Ryan out of his delusion.

"Cut!" the director says. I am clapping as Ryan gets up. I walk over to the guys and tell them how great they look.

"Wow, first she steals my line and then she doesn't even tell us how good WE look. Hugh, I am hurt," Ryan says, holding his heart.

"Oh, I guess you were okay," I say laughing.

Chan and Felix walk up to Ryan and Hugh. "Thanks so much for the invitation, Ryan. We can't wait for the movie to come out," Chan says, shaking theirs and the director's hands.

Dancing Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें