Chapter 17

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"Open your eyes"

I smile slyly at hearing Hyunjin whisper those words in my ear late the next morning. I stretch loudly and he chuckles at me. Then the smell of pancakes and coffee hits me. I open my eyes to see him sitting on the side of the bed, smiling tenderly at me. On the nightstand is a tray table with pancakes, a cup of syrup, strawberries, and two cups of coffee.

"Happy birthday!" he says, beaming. I sit up so he can place the tray over my legs.

"What's this? I thought you had schedules today?" I ask.

"I was given the day off."

"Really?" I squeal.

"Yep. So I thought brunch in bed would be a great start for your birthday," he replies. I grab my coffee and take a big sip. That's when we hear my phone vibrate. Hyunjin grabs my phone off the nightstand and laughs. "Savage Puppy is video calling," he says. The caller ID shows a picture of Seungmin making a judging facial expression in the camera's direction. I quickly make sure my hair isn't too wild and the covers are covering me up as Hyunjin sits next to me, answering the call.


"Thank you Seungmin."

"I hope you like your present. We left gifts in your room," he says as Changbin comes up behind him.

"Don't open them until tonight when we get home," Binnie says. "Happy birthday. Hyunjin-ah better take good care of you today."

"I promise I won't open them, and I know he will," I say, leaning into Hyunjin. He wraps his arm around me as Han dramatically takes the phone from Binnie. Binnie yells at him and Han flips him off.

"Happy birthday, my angel," Han sings. "Happy birthday to YOU. Happy birthday dear Sylindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Happy birthday to youuuuuu." In the last line, Lee Know comes up behind Han to sing in harmony with him. I blow kisses to them both and Han pretends to catch them.

"Here's Yongbok-ah," Lee Know says. "Happy birthday and send pictures if you see cats today." Felix shakes his head as he gets the phone from him.

"Happy birthday, beautiful. I will have brownies for you this evening," he says, winking at me.

"That's great," I beam. "I prefer that over a big cake." I look at Hyunjin out of the corner of my eye. "Wonder who told you that?"

"I know nothing," Hyunjin giggles.

"Me next," I.N. says. "Have the happiest of birthdays, Sylinda."

"Aww, thanks Jeongin," I reply. Chan walks up to him and puts an arm around him.

"There's my goddess. Happy birthday," he says with a big Channie grin. "Can't wait to see you tonight."

"Same baby. How's practice going?"

"Really well. Lee Know is kicking my ass," he laughs.

"It's such a perfect ass too," I giggle. I then hear the manager tell the crew to get ready to practice the next song's routine. "Got to go. Love ya!" He blows a kiss to me and then hangs up.

I put the phone down and Hyunjin feeds me some pancakes. Every now and then, he purposefully drips syrup on my lips so he can kiss it off. He teases me with his tongue or he sucks the syrup off my lips slowly. Then, after several bites, he kisses me passionately, his tongue swirling with mine. I moan in his mouth as I run my fingers through his dark hair. He suddenly pulls away from me, picks up the tray to put on the floor, and puts the cup of syrup on the nightstand. Then he yanks the covers off of me and pulls me down flat on the bed, causing me to giggle. He slowly raises my shirt and leaves tiny kisses on my skin. My skin is on fire in the wake of his lips. I arch my body to him as my core immediately goes into overdrive. Once he is at my breasts, I sit up quickly to pull my shirt off, throwing it on the floor. Then he reaches over for the syrup.

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