Chapter 14

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"Derek, over here for one more shot," a report says.

"Okay guys, we will take just a few more questions," the US DanceSport President states.

"Derek, it seems Stray Kids has truly embraced you as one of their own. Who's your bias?" a female report asks. I look towards the back of the room to see 8 sets of eyes glued to him.

"Um, wow. That's a hard question to answer," Derek says. "But..." He looks back at the guys, grinning. "I would have to say Changbin."

"Ha! I knew it," Binnie yells from the back and the group of reporters laugh.

"He really has helped me acclimate while in Korea. I am happy to call him and the rest of the group close friends," Derek says proudly. The crew stands a little taller at hearing his words.

"Next question please," Derek says. Another female reporter looks at me and raises her hand.

"Sylinda, what are your plans now that you have completed this round of competitions? Are you staying in Korea or headed back to the US?" the reporter asks.

"We will prepare for another competition," I say. The reporter looks at me as if waiting for more, but I say nothing further. The crew's manager recommended that we not mention anything about our upcoming schedules because of security risks. We both agreed, especially after everything that has gone on lately.

"Yes but, where will you...," the reporter starts.

"Okay folks, I think we will wrap things up here," the president says. Bless that man.

"Can we get a group photo with you both and Stray Kids?" a male reporter asks.

I smile broadly and nod, this had been discussed already with us. Channie had said it would be fine since they were in their sponsored tuxes. Hyunjin is the first to make it to me and he hugs me tightly. Flashes go off as he kisses my lips lightly. He then gets on my right side, placing his arm around my waist. Surprisingly, Chan gets on my left to wrap an arm around my shoulder tightly. To avoid suspicion, he does the same with Derek on his left. Binnie is on the left of Derek, throwing up finger hearts. Felix is on the right of Hyunjin and I.N. is next to him. Seungmin, Han, and Lee Know are on the other side of Binnie. We all smile for a few shots and then the president escorts us off stage.

"Congratulations again you two," the president says in the hallway leading to the dressing rooms. "You both have represented the US well. You should be extremely proud of what you have accomplished tonight."

"Thank you so much," I say as Derek shakes the president's hand.

"I will see you in Italy," he says. He shakes my hand and then heads toward the main area with his staff. We watch him go as Chan approaches.

"You guys were amazing," Chan says, hugging Derek. "I love watching you dance."

The last statement I know is directed towards me. He smiles at me but I see him opening and closing his fists. I feel my body being pulled towards him like he is the sun. My hands itch to touch any part of his body to show people he has my heart as well. Felix stands next to Chan, beaming.

"That was so cool that Marcin played his song while you danced," he says. Felix too is struggling to touch me as he hugs himself tightly. It makes me want to feel his comforting arms around me. "I stumbled upon his video a few weeks ago on YouTube and was planning to show it to you guys. Too late, ha."

Lee Know and Han are quietly talking next to Felix. Han looks at me with a smile on his face. But I see a touch of sadness in his eyes causing me to sigh heavily. How I want to hold my baby girl Hannie tightly, kissing up his delectable neck. Agh, this hurts all of us. I mumble under my breath as Hyunjin stands next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, and squeezing. I lean into him and nod my head. Jinnie always knows. He releases me to which I.N. bear hugs me from behind.

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