04. ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ

358 9 1

Night | At the Party

Loud music filled your ears and many auras around me. I grabbed Esme's hand guiding her to what seemed like the kitchen. I entered the kitchen and saw a group of guys and girls conversing amongst each other. Ray was talking to a blonde curly headed boy. 'His hair is lushes.' I thought to myself.

"Hey mama, you came." Ray said bringing me into a hug, his cologne smelled amazing. "That's what she said." The blonde headed boy mumbled making me raise my eyebrow at him.

"This is fuckshit." Ray introduced the boy. "Oh makes sense." I responded laughing at the memory Ray told me about him. "Fuckshit, this is Y/N." He said putting his arm around me.

"Oh, THE Y/N?? Nigga has been talking about you nonstop." He laughed, Ray elbowed him let him know it was time to shut up.

"Oh for real?" I looked at Ray with a smirk on my face. "What can I say ma, you've been on my mind." He responded making me smile softly.

"This is Esme, by the way." I introduced my friend who looked bored of the conversation. Fuckshit's attention peaked at Esme.

"Wassup, I'm Fuckshit." He tried to smooth talk her. "Mmm, Y/N I'm getting a drink. Hey Ray." She turned down Fuckshit quickly.

"Nah, baby come back!" Fuckshit yelled following Esme. Me and Ray gave each other the look before laughing at the situation our best friends were in.

Ray stepped back and took in my outfit. He licked his lips and rubbed his hands together causing me to roll my eyes. "You look good, ma." He attempted to flirt.

"Boy please I always look good." I turned away walking to get a drink or something. I felt a pair of eyes on me as I was walking. "RAYMOND SMITH STOP LOOKING AT MY ASS!" I yelled flipping him off and pulling my skirt down a bit.

"Not you using my gov." He laughed following behind me. "I don't give a fuck." I poured myself a shot and downed it quickly.

"I wanna introduce you to some more people." He took my hand and guided me outside. There was a small group of boys in the backyard playing basketball, or trying to.

"Y/N, that's fourth grade, Stevie, and Ruben." He says pointing at each one after introducing their names. I gave them a small hello and they returned it.

"Ray was right, you are pretty." The one you assumed was Ruben complimented. I chuckled at his statement before looking at Ray who was awkwardly scratching his neck.

"If he doesn't treat you right hit my line." He attempted to flirt with you but you shook your head. "Uh-Uh, lil man, you too young." I rejected his advances.

"What they say...age is just a number, baby." He quoted the Aaliyah song. "And jail is just a place, I don't want to be in." I clap backed at him.

"Alright Ruben, not too much on my girl now." Ray interrupted Ruben before he could say something slick again.

"Your girl?" I turned to him smirking. "Soon to be girl." He flirted grabbing my hands. "We'll see." I challenged him.

"So Fourth Grade, Ray told me you make movies." I say trying to start a conversation. "Uh, Y-yea, I film a bit." The boy stuttered a bit due to be nervous.

"Oh that's cool, could you show me them, one day." I responded trying to get him to relax. "Yea, sure." He smiled gaining confidence in himself.

"So... I'm guessing the one over there is Sunburn?" I asked Ray making him nod his head in response. "Oh, Ok." I smiled taking in the group.

"Ray, told us you ate concrete trying to do a trick." Stevie walked up to you trying to make conversation. "Damn! Ray! You told them that too." I rolled my eyes.

"What! They asked me about my day." His voice getting high pitched as he shrugged trying to defend himself. "Niggas can't keep shit to theirselves."

"It's ok Y/N, I fell off of a roof." Stevie tried to reassure. "How'd you fall off of a roof?" I asked now interested in what he said.

The group seem to shudder at the memory but Stevie seemed to hold a smile to his face. "I was trying to jump a gap that was on a roof and fell." He smiled.

"Oh, you're crazy." I said amused at his story. I started to converse amongst the group getting more comfortable with them.

As I was talking I felt a pair of eyes watching me intently. I turned and saw that it was Ray of course watching me, making me nervous. "What is there something on my face?" I asked rubbing it.

"Yea just an eye booger." He teased but you didn't know he was messing with you. "Are you serious? This is so embarrassing." I started to get up to go to the bathroom but Ray grabbed my hand pulling me back next to him.

"I'm just messing with you mama." He cheesed at me making me flip him off in anger. "Ugh Fuck you."

"Is that what you want?" He whispered, making my face heat up. "Ray, stop playing with me. " I pushed his face back.

The group was now staring at the two, exchanging knowing glances as if they knew what to do. "We're gonna go and chill inside." Stevie says leading the two into the house.

You sat down on the chair and Ray followed behind sitting in the one next to you. "Wanna get high?" He asks pulling out a blunt that was in his hoodie. "Yea." I laughed getting excited.

Ray took the blunt and placed it between his lips lighting it. He took a slow inhale then exhale, getting ready to pass it to you. Something about Ray just drew you into him, which you didn't mind.

You copied Ray's action and slowly inhaled and exhaled the blunt, coughing a bit. Ray laughed at your coughing fit.

"Ma, you good?" He asks now rubbing my back softly. "Yea, I'm good." My eyes were now watering.

"Y/N, you know you're beautiful." Ray turned looking me in the eyes and then looking down at my lips.

"Thank you, Ray." I started to get nervous because he was staring at me the way he was before.

Ray leaned in closer before looking me in the eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asks, I nodded my head yes in response. As Ray inches closer to me a loud voice came from behind his interrupting the moment that was about to happen.

"WASSUP NIGGAS- OH SHIT." Fuckshit says stopping abruptly seeing the position we were in. Me and Ray pulled away and looked back at the blonde.

"My bad, go back to your smooching." He wiggles his eyebrows and walked backwards into the party. "Damnit fuckshit." Ray rolled his eyes annoyed at his friends worst timing to come in.

"We should go back." I got up turning to Ray. "Yea... I guess." He says all bummed out the he didn't get to kiss me. "You'll be ight." I giggled at his actions

"No, that bum nigga interrupted my moment." He groaned crossing his arms annoyed. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, making him celebrate.

The night was filled with endless amounts of conversation and games. By the time Esme was ready to leave I said my goodbyes and drove home.

Authors Note
small tease!

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮... @𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬𝟏𝐯𝐭

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