05. ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʟᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ

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Ray's POV | The morning after the party

"Fuckshit, wake up." I nudged my sleeping best friend that was on the couch awake. "What?" He groaned turning the opposite way.

"I'm not into that gay up the booty shit, turn your ass back to me." I backed away from him. After he heard my sudden words he jumped up.

"Ray, quit playing with me, nigga." He gave me a disgusted look before yawning and moving his hair out of his face.

"Help me clean up." I threw a trash bag at him and he caught it. "Why do I have to help I didn't really drink last night." He complained.

After I left for New York to go pro, Fuckshit cleaned himself up and worked on his drinking habits, especially after the crash we got into 3 summers ago. I was really proud of my best friend. Now he watches over the skate shop back at home, paints from time to time, and continues to skate.

"Call it reparation's for all the parties I had to clean up alone." I clapped back making him roll his eyes starting to grab empty cups.

"So tell me about that kiss you and your shawty was about to have" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "If your dumbass didn't pop up I would've gotten that kiss." I retorted, stuffing some more cups in the trash bag. Now upset that he interrupted my moment from last night.

"Oh shit, I pussyblocked you." He cackled at the thought. "Man shut up, you didn't even get pussy last night."

"Esme, can't refuse this lushes hair, imma make her mine." He licked his lips hyping himself up. "You know this may not be Cali, but why don't we skate together like old times." Fuckshit suggested.

"Yea, I'm down." I agreed. "We could invite Y/N." I added setting the bag down. "Yea and tell her to invite her fine ass friend." He smirked thinking of Esme.

"Nigga, she don't want you." I laughed at him for trying so hard. "Imma make her want me." He says still persist to win her heart. "Can't believe you're not a slut anymore."

"Aye, don't slut shame, sluts deserve equality. Plus when I got cleaned I choose not to fuck around with too much of my old lifestyle." Fuckshit started tying up the full bag and hung it over his shoulder getting ready to take it out.

"Right, imma go call Y/N." I say leaving the room. I grabbed my phone from off of the charger and clicked Y/N's contact. A few rings went by until she answered.

"H-Hello?" Her voice sounded raspy like she just woke up, which made my heart gush at the sound of it. "Hey mama." I responded.

"Wassup, Ray." She responded I could hear shuffling on the other side of the bed. "You wanna skate with me and the guys today?" I asked scratching the back of my neck, feeling nervous.

"Oh? Sure. It would be good film content." She added, sounding more alive. I softly chuckled.

"Also, Fuckshit told you to bring Esme." I could hear laughing on the other side of the line making me smile. "Tell Fuckshit, Esme doesn't skate. I'll try though." She once again laughed.

"Will do mama, meet at our normal spot, at noon." I inquired getting a small ok from her before hanging up.

"YO! FUCKSHIT!" I yelled out getting up from my bed. "WHAT NIGGA!" He yelled back, I entered the room to see he was downing a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Now don't eat too much of my cereal. You eat it all, you replace it." I say snatching the box from him. "That's how it is." He responded touching his chest. "Yea." I bucked at him and he copied my actions.

"Y/N said Esme doesn't skate." I relayed the message to him. "Oh, so she's one of those bougie girls. I could mess with that." He started to rub his hands.

I scoffed before leaving the room. It was about 9 almost 10 so I decided to get ready. I went to take a shower and do my skin care. Can't be looking ashy in front of my future girl. I put on some green cargos and a cream baggy shirt then I paired it with a black hoodie.

I moved my dreads around making sure they looked good then sprayed myself with some cologne. Once I felt that I looked good I walked out of my bathroom and back into the kitchen.

"Good morning princesses." I looked at the group of boys that woke up that still had bed head. They all gave me the look that told me to shut up causing me to laugh. "We're going to skate the city later, get ready." I informed making them get up and go to their directed rooms.

"Sassy asses." I rolled my eyes at their silence. I made myself eggs and bacon for the protein and left some for the guys. Some minutes go by and the boys come out one by one ready. They grabbed a plate of food eating what I made.

By the time it was almost noon I made my way out of the house with the guys and then we were off.

Noon | At the Skate Park...

I walked into the skate park and this time it was Y/N waiting for me with her friend. She was conversing with Esme while playing music. "There goes my girl." Fuckshit says rubbing his hands.

"And there goes mine." I turned to see Ruben copying Fuckshit's actions, walking up to Y/N, I pulled his hoodie back before he could make it far.

"Nigga, sit yo short ass down." I rolled my eyes walking up to the two girls. "Ruben that's illegal." I could hear Stevie say.

"Like your ass wasn't playing victim with Estee. Victim, victim, headass" Stevie was about to say something before Ruben cut him off. "Ohh, I know your ass just relates to Tron Cat." After that comment the boys started bickering over the situation.

"Hey mama." I say making Y/N, get up to hug me. I caught a whiff of her perfume that smelled heavenly to me. "Hey Ray." She smiled at me. I looked at her attire and I can't even lie she looks good. She looks good in everything actually.

She was wearing beige cargo shorts that went to her knee, with a black cropped tank top, pairing it with a crossbody bag, and high top converse.

"Ok Y/N, I see you with the drip." I complimented dapping her up. "Thanks dawg." She responded back making me pause at her change in speech. She then bursted out in laughter at my confused face.

"I'm just fucking wit you." She laughed. We turned around to look at the group and saw Fourth grade recording the fight between Stevie and Ruben. Our heads turned to Esme who was rolling her eyes at Fuckshit's attempts to flirt with her.

"I don't date younger guys." She placed her hand in his face trying to walk away. "Cmon baby, it's just two years." He started pleading following her. "No."

"Don't worry shawty, imma win that cold ass heart of yours." Me and Y/N watched in horror at our best friends. "a hundred dollars they'll get together." She quickly says. "a hundred dollars Esme shoots him down and they don't get together." I challenged.

"Deal." We both said shaking each others hands. "Let's skate Ray." She took out her camera and kicked off making me follow her. The guys took the hint and followed. Even though Esme didn't skate she still attempted to and Fuckshit stayed behind to help her.

"So, pro skater Ray." She started, making my attention turn to her. "How come you decided to go pro?" She asks.

"I decided to go pro because I wanted to make something out of my talents, you know. I didn't really wanna be stuck out in the hood so I pushed myself to try hard." I explained earning a soft smile from her. "I like that."


For the next hour asked me a number of questions which I answered truthfully. After we took a break and chose to chill somewhere.

Authors Note
Everyone pray for Fuckshit!

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