The Reality I'm Living

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Hi Readers: Huge sorry for the delay in chapters. But I got distracted, and I did some other things before now. But now, I am hoping to get a couple (maybe 1 or 2) chapters out to you; hopefully, I can get more though. But other than that, have a good day and enjoy.

Halstead Kitchen – Walking out to the kitchen to see his brother standing at the fridge and grabbing some OJ, Jay smiled as he went ahead and spoke to his brother for the first time since he saw him in his bedroom; where he knew that there was a reason why he came in there, which was to tell him (inadvertently) that he needs to talk. That he needs to talk to someone, who isn't his wife and who isn't going to get stressed out with what's happening at the hospital; the hospital where her husband works each and every day and is probably the most at risk out of the four of them to get COVID himself. That was why Jay had to do this. He had to talk to his brother, and just see if he's okay. Because based on the way his brother's been acting lately, he doesn't feel like he's okay right now.

Rather, it seems like his brother has a lot on his mind; stuff that he really can't talk to Natalie about, as he doesn't want to stress her out until she has the baby. Their first child, who Will wants to meet more than anything, which is something that he knows, simply due to the fact that Will loves being an uncle to his own children. And based on how he interacts with Michael and Olivia, Jay already knows that Will is going to be a great father; especially since he's already a great brother, an amazing husband, and an even better doctor.  But at the same time, he's down to earth; something that he's really only come to notice, ever since he and Will have started to live together once more. And that's due to the fact that he can see the same fears that he's dealing with in his brother, but worse.

He knows that it's worse for his brother, based on the fact that those numbers on the screen aren't just statistics for him; they're real people, whom he's treated himself and tried to save their lives. But there are just times where he doesn't have the ability to do that, because they're already in respiratory failure when they get to the hospital; or because the disease is already too far advanced in the patient, which leads to doctors having to treat a patient differently. And that would be to just make them comfortable in their final hours and days, rather than constantly work on them to try and make them better. And that has to be hard, and something that really weighs on Will each and every day when he goes to work, which is why he thinks this would be a great starting point for their talk.

"Is it like they show it on the news?"

Turning his head to look at his brother as he said that, Will let out a sigh; because it was obvious that Jay already knew what he was thinking of, and what he was dealing with right now. The death that he was dealing with, and the amount of suffering that he has to see some of his patients go through; including some of his regulars, whom he's already gotten close to simply due to the fact that's the type of doctor he is. He gets involved in his patients' lives, and he ensures that they know that they truly do have somebody on their team looking out for them; a doctor who is ready to advocate for them, and whatever they need at the hospital. But at the same time, it was really nice to know that his brother could see that; that he could see that he was struggling with some things right now.

"How could you tell that was what was on my mind?"

Taking a breath, Jay just looked at his brother before walking over to him; after which, he went to hug him. "Because I've seen that look on my own face before." Will was confused as he heard his brother say that, confused as to just what he means when he says that. "You do?" Jay sighed as he heard his brother say that, while agreeing with him. "Do you need to make breakfast for Natalie?" Will shook his head. "She's still fast asleep." Jay agreed with his brother as he said that, glad that was the case; because that means that he doesn't need to make breakfast for himself right now. Rather, he can just take it easy and relax while he makes them some breakfast. And at the same time, he can make Alex some breakfast in the process. "Then go sit down and take it easy." Will was surprised.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now