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A/N: This is my first try at an Avenger fanfic, so we'll see how it goes! Dedicated to BigfootHunter because she loves the idea, encouraged me to post it, and because she wasn't feeling well! Get better!


"A past hidden in darkness. Her present cloaked in secrets. The future holds the only truth that cannot be escaped...." - Claire Contreras

New Orleans' busy streets were especially busy on the other side, where gunshots rang out, business was conducted, and noise was rarely interrupted.

Tonight was one of those rare, quiet nights. Those who lived there were not going about their usual business, but instead were huddled around something in the middle of the street.

It was a young girl. It looked like she had been hit by a car, because there seemed to be tire marks, but she had no other visible sign of damage. No cuts, scrapes, bruises, marks- nothing. But she was unconscious.

There were whispers as people wondered about this girl. They made no attempts to revive her. They were in shock. They were afraid to help. This girl had no injuries, and she obviously had been run down by a car- and this caused their hesitation to help her.

"Hey!" shouted someone. Everyone crowded around the girl turned to see a man, wearing a uniform. Behind him was a black van with a strange symbol.

"Are you an EMT?" asked a man.

"No, I'm an agent with S.H.I.E.L.D. We're here to handle this young girl."

"Well, there won't be much handling to do," muttered a slightly older man. "She's out cold. Looks harmless if ya ask me."

"And yet this girl looks like she got hit by a car- only she's unmarred."

"So?" asked a woman.

"We need to look into instances like this. How is this girl uninjured, or alive? We're going to take her in and see if she's a danger. Now let me in."

"Not so fast," said a man. The agent turned to look at the newcomer.

He looked like he did not belong in this part of New Orleans- he had on a nice suit and tie and looked very well groomed. He had dark brown hair, smoothed back and stiff looking.

"And why not?" asked the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

"Because I was out here first," replied the well-groomed man. He turned to the crowd. "Because I want nobody hurt, I suggest you all.... LEAVE."

The crowd hesitated. "NOW!" shouted the well-groomed man.

The people fled, leaving the girl alone in the middle of the road with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and the well-groomed man.

The man reached into his suit and pulled out what looked like a bomb. He had flicked it at the agent in the blink of an eye. He held something up to his face as the "bomb" went off and gas poured out. Within seconds, the agent had crumpled to the ground.

The well-groomed man went over to the girl as a car pulled up. As the car pulled up and the man moved to the girl, backup filed out of the black S.H.I.E.L.D. van.

The well-groomed man picked up the girl, who began to stir. The agents who had filed out of the van surrounded him and the girl, guns drawn, ready to shoot.

She looked up with confusion on her face. "What's going on?" she whispered.

"Bad men are after you, and we're here to help," said the well-groomed man.

A younger man got out of the car and took the young girl, putting her in the backseat of the car and buckling her into place.

"Hand over the girl!" shouted one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Just then, the black van exploded. In the confusion, the well-groomed man slipped into the backseat, shutting the door. His accomplice got in, and this was the well-groomed man's cue to roll down the window and chuck out another knock out bomb. He rolled up the window right as it went off, knocking out all the agents.

"Drive," said the well-groomed man.

His friend pushed down on the pedal. As they left the street, they ran over several unconscious agents.

The frightened girl turned to the man next to her. "Who are you?" she whispered.

"The important question is- who are you?" asked the well-groomed man.

The girl's face crumpled in confusion. "I... I don't know who I am," she whispered softly.

"Then I'm going to have to help you find that out. But you'll have to pay the deed back."

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