Chapter 21: Home

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Chapter 21: Home

I haven't updated in forever because it feels like no one is reading, voting, or commenting, and it makes me sad :( But here's something anyway!

Kristen's eyes slowly opened. She was lying on a hospital bed, an IV in her and a heart monitor attached. Sighing, Kristen brought her hands up to her eyes and rubbed them, yawning loudly. She looked around. The room was empty. She panicked.

"Tony!" she yelled, her heart monitor beeping loudly. "Ingraham! Tony! Anyone?!"

She began to shake. She moved to grab at her IV when she realized her wrists were unwrapped, exposing the new scars. Kristen stared for a few seconds and then began to sob. They had seen. She had broken her promise to Tony. Tony was going to hate her now.

She crumpled up and sobbed, shaking and wailing. Her heart monitor was going off the hook. Tony rushed in. Ingraham came.

"Kris, it's OK," said Tony loudly. He ran over to the girl. Her knees were brought up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees as she rocked back and forth. Tony took her arms and slowly pulled them away. He held them in his hands, rubbing them soothingly.

"I'm sorry, Tony," sobbed Kristen. "I thought I had no choice. I couldn't stand it, I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. Please. Please. Don't hate me!"

"Kris, why would I hate you?" asked Tony.

"I promised I wouldn't," sobbed Kristen. "I told you I didn't want to die, and I don't, but- I wanted it to stop!"

"Kris, is this- about your wrists?"

Kristen nodded, tears in her eyes, shaking. "I'm so sorry. He said- he said I was only useful to him alive, so I decided to end it. I thought you'd understand, I- I was desperate. I wanted it to end. I don't want to do it anymore, I promise. I know I'm safe, I don't want to die, not anymore. Oh, Tony."

Tony embraced Kristen. "I'm not mad at you," he whispered. "It isn't your fault you felt that way."

"It was my fault!" sobbed Kristen. "I cut my wrists, it was me! It was my fault!"

"I don't care about that!" said Tony fiercely. "All I care about is that you are safe and alive! OK? That's all that matters."

Tony pulled away from Kristen and the girl in turn hugged her sister. She didn't speak as she hugged her. They didn't need to speak. They both had this silent communication between them, this silent understanding and connection that they had. They had both been through so much, both tried to end it- it all added to their bond, as unusual as that seemed. But their bond, their relationships as sisters, was not normal, and it never would be.

Kristen pulled away from her sister and wiped away her tears. Tony sat on the edge of the bed. "We're gonna be home real soon, Kris, I promise. We're gonna get to the safe house, and pack up, and tomorrow we're going to New York. You're gonna live with me, in my tower, like I promised, OK?"

"She's not going to live with you," said Ingraham, clearly confused. She looked to Tony and Kristen, frowning. "Kristen is my sister. She's going to live with me and my mom."

"Yes, because I want Kristen living on the rough side of town," frowned Tony. "It's obviously in her best interest. She'll be safer."

"I got a reputation on that side of town," frowned Ingraham. "I tell 'em not to mess with her, and they won't. Trust me on this."

"Your mom can't support her!" stressed Tony. "From what you've made it sound like, she can't even support you!"

"Don't go talking bad about my mother! She's a good, hardworking woman!"

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