Chapter 12: Safety

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Chapter 12: Safety

J.K. Rowling once said, "Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect."

I just finished chapter 19 and WOOH! I'm on fire! So, enjoy this update.

When Kristen woke up, she stretched and let out a little yawn. She reached over, and her little hand clamped down on the small velvety box. She opened it up and carefully lifted out her necklace. She then latched it on around her neck.

Kristen pulled open the door of her bunk and grinned when she saw Tony and Steve. Steve was reading and Tony was working on his laptop.

Kristen went over to Tony and sat by him. The man immediately closed the laptop.

"Why are you being so secretive?" asked Kristen. "There something on there you don't want me to see?"

"Kristen!" said Tony in surprise.

"Look, if you're hiding stuff about me, I wanna know."

Tony laughed nervously. "Oh, I thought you thought I was hiding something... Else."

"Like what?"

"Nevermind. But, uh, no. I can't tell you what I don't what you to see, it's private information on some... Work I've been doing."

"Whatever," grumbled Kristen. She stood up and headed over to her bunk and pulled it open, grabbing a random book. She slid the bunk shut and sat down in between Tony and Steve. She opened the book's dog-eared page* and began to read.

She was several pages in when Tony nudged her. "Hey," he said. "Kid, I need to ask you a favor."

"What?" asked Kristen, dog-earring the page*.

Tony took a deep breath. "For the index... They need to swab your cheek. Get your DNA."

"They have my blood," said Kristen.

"I know," said Tony. "It's just some weird protocol thing."

"OK," said Kristen slowly.

"Uh, c'mon. Let's go find Agent Fitz. You remember him? He'll swab your cheek for you."

Kristen nodded. She put the book away and jogged to catch up with an already walking Tony. When she reached him, she silently slipped her hand into his. Tony, repressing a smile, squeezed her hand just the slightest bit. Kristen grinned.

They found Agent Fitz fussing over something on his computer. "Hello, Agent Fitz," said Tony rather loudly, alerting the man to their presence.

Fitz immediately jumped and quickly switched off his computer.

"Tony said I need my cheek swabbed," said Kristen.

"Oh, OK," said Fits, hurrying over to a table. "We just swabbed the cheek of that young girl earlier, the hack. Standard procedure, you know?"

Kristen nodded. Tony, who had become nervous at Fitz's mention of swabbing Ingraham (he was afraid Fittz was going to let slip what the swab had been for), relaxed.

Kristen opened her mouth and allowed Fitz to do the swab. When he was done and his back was turned on Kristen, Kristen smiled up at Tony. "I want some food," she declared. "I'm starving."

"You know what kid? Me too," laughed Tony. He led the girl into an area with a couch. "Sit down, and I'll go get you something."

Kristen sat down and looked around. She was bored- her book was in her bunk. She wanted to go get it, but she wasn't quite sure of the way to the bunk. She knew that if she got lost on the way there and Tony returned to find her gone, he would flip.

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