Chapter 18: Tracked

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Chapter 18: Tracked

I haven't posted in a while because I've been working on a million different things. School, my music, my other books... Also, this was extremely hard to write and I spent a long time sucking up the guts to post it because it's a tough chapter to read and to write. But here it is.

There's a very important author's note at the end I would like you all to please read. Thanks guys, and enjoy.

"She isn't looking good," said the young doctor in despair. "I don't know how she did it, but it's bad."

"Will she live?" demanded the man.

The young doctor looked at the young girl. "She will live, yes, but I wouldn't recommend doing anything for at least a week."

"We'll get behind in our research!" exclaimed the man in distraught.

"Well, you must think about the well-being of the child," frowned the doctor. "You don't want her to do it again, do you?"

"Of course not, but we do not need another hiatus! The first one was bad enough! We're getting so close! We can't stop now!"

"Well, sir, if you don't stop, she'll make it stop herself," said the doctor sternly.

The man groaned. "I did not see this coming," he sighed. "I didn't see her doing this, I never expected..."

"Perhaps this should be a wake-up call to you," said the doctor. "What you are doing is taking a big toll on her! If you do not stop this, she will take this further!"

"I can't stop now!" barked the man. "Not when I'm so close, not when I have come this far! We'll put her under 24 hour surveillance and not let her out of our sights. How long will she need to be here?"

"I suggest at least two days. She needs her rest in able to feel better."

The man groaned in frustration. "Fine!" he snapped. "But keep a close eye on her- it's not like you have anything better to do anyway. I can't have her getting away or finding another way to hurt herself."

"Of course, sir," muttered the doctor. "I will keep an eye on her."



Skip to the end of the italics if you need to

Kristen rummaged through the contents of the tray, looking for something. There was the gag, and that awful needle.... Some gauze, rubbing alcohol.... She knew it was there, somewhere!

Her fingers finally grabbed it. Sucking in her breath, she pricked the tip of her finger with it, softly at first, then very roughly. She drew blood, which dribbled down her fingertip.

Kristen let out a little sob as she slid the scalpel down her wrist. She held back a little cry as blood poured out of the cuts. "It's OK," she whispered. "Do it quickly and it'll be over with. Just do it."

She started off slowly, and then she did it quickly. Quicker and quicker until her wrists were covered in blood. The scalpel was also covered in blood, getting onto her hands, but she just kept going.

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