Chapter 5: Secrets

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Chapter 5: Secrets

"There are no secrets that time does not reveal." -Jean Racine

The woman attending to Kristen was named Agent Hyde, and Agent Hyde fussed over Kristen so much, it was unbearable. She forced her to lay in bed, not allowing her to walk around even with crutches.

Just like when she was in the hospital, Kristen was bored to death. Tony tried amusing her with stories, but she couldn't seem to be entertained.

"I want to do something," she groaned after 3 days. Only Agent Hyde and Tony had come in to talk, but she had seen several people stop and stare as they passed by the medical room.

"Why does this have to be made of glass?" Kristen asked. "People can watch me sleep!"

"It's so we can observe you," said Agent Hyde.

"Isn't that what the cameras are for?" grumbled Kristen.

Tony laughed and handed Kristen a book. "Read this," he said.

"I don't want to," said Kristen stubbornly. "I want to know where this jet is headed, and when we can get back to the tower."

Tony glanced over at Kristen nervously. "Kris, we aren't going back to the tower."

"Why not?"

Tony sighed and sat down on the edge of Kristen's bed. "There's people after you, Kristen," he sighed. "It's just not safe."

"Then, where are we going?"

"We're gonna stay here for a while, actually. On the jet."

"I like to call it the Bus," said a voice. Kristen looked up to see the man who had carried her into the jet. "Kristen, I'm glad to see you're doing well."

Kristen raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Really?" she asked.

"Well, of course. It's my job, as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, to protect the people, and care."

Tony rose from his seat. "Agent Coulson. Good to see you, sir."

Kristen smiled softly. "Sir?" she asked Coulson quietly.


"Can I look around? Agent Hyde won't let me, but I know you will. She takes orders from you- I just know it. You have the look of authority plastered all over you."

"I guess that means I do my job. Well, I guess you deserve a tour, don't you? Well, I just so happen to know where some crutches are."

Kristen smiled. "Uh, sir?" she asked as Coulson was about to leave.


"Why do you have a fake arm?"

"It had to be cut off. It's... A long story."

"I get it," said Kristen. "I didn't mean to be rude or anything, I was just-"


Kristen nodded. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's fine, Kristen. I get it a lot, I promise."

Kristen nodded.

He returned several minutes later, with crutches for Kristen. She grinned widely as she sat up. Tony helped her down off the bed and handed the crutches to the girl.

As they began their tour, Coulson pointed out the different points of interest through the Bus.

"Here are the bunks," smiled Coulson. "We'll have one for you. And if I'm not mistaken, one of my agents is in her bunk."

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